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국제학교 학부모들의 코즈모폴리탄 교육방식 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Globalization is a contemporary phenomena expanding to politic, economic, cultural, and educational aspects; resulting from it new transnational entities of family, cooperation and networks as well as transnational economic institutes, and the problem...

Globalization is a contemporary phenomena expanding to politic, economic, cultural, and educational aspects; resulting from it new transnational entities of family, cooperation and networks as well as transnational economic institutes, and the problems related to them emerge. Korea has been on the tide of the globalization from the late 20th century, and now she is one of the most globalized country in the world that cannot survive without global connections. Recent studies show that the cosmopolitanism takes a part in global stratification. Some research based on quantitative studies in herlands and Spain claims that the cosmopolitanism becomes a new cultural capital that is a source of the power in the globalized world; in other words, the cosmopolitanism is a new type of capital as a competitive character in the global world which demands effectiveness in interaction between multi-national and multi-geographical people. It is claimed that in the globalized world openness to the otherness and foreign culture is embodied as habitus of the upper class by consumption of foreign goods including education and experience in foreign countries, which results in integration of the cosmopolitanism and stratification. In the process of the integration educational systems have become central institutional mechanisms as they institutionalize academic qualification by defining the cosmopolitanism being the sign of the humanity and the exclusive cultural capital. The cosmopolitanism is magnanimous and open to the otherness, but the access to the cosmopolitanism as cultural capital may be unequal. In global educational systems, university rankings are used to unequally distribute privileges and justify competition among universities in the world. The world ranking of a university can be achieved as a symbolic capital and act as a qualified academic authority. Because American and European universities are ranked high in most of the world university rankings, the western universities become world-standard model of university; other universities in the world try to mimic the top-ranked Western universities. University rankings form a hierarchical order of global education around the world. Students recognize the hierarchical order and make their effort to be accepted by the high-ranked universities and take reputation as a globally-competitive elite. The more accepted students are from geographically distributed to the high-ranked universities, the more recognized the universities as a cosmopolitan institution. Unequal access to the cosmopolitanism at the global level is reproduced at the national level. Highly ranked western universities have affected education systems for preparing higher education including elementary and middle schools in such a way that schools providing richer cosmopolitan curricular as cultural capital could be preferred, as they have ‘international’ curricular required by the highly ranked universities. Students studying abroad at early age or in an international school have a decided advantage in preparation of highly ranked university over other public (national) school students. In Korea, studying abroad at early age in most cases results in a special type of transnational family, Gireogi family; father remains in Korea where the family depends on as their economic basis and wires money for mother and their children stays abroad. The Gireogi family problem has been known as its many dark side in Korean – financial burden for supporting two houses and many problems of non-cohabitting family. Thus educating children in international school is, if possible, can be an attractive way for acquiring cosmopolitanism as cultural capital as an alternative to Gireogi family. In this thesis, I conducted in-depth interviews with parents of students studying in international schools as non-foreign students to capture their characteristics. To this purpose, I focused on foreign education institutes and Cheju international schools which have been established for Korean nationals mainly. There are totally 5 schools for this purpose, among which I selected three schools of parents’ preference: A international school among foreign education institutes and B, C international schools in Cheju. The interview finds the parents have positive stance on globalization as they think it can be a new chance for their children in the world. The characteristics of educational strategy and characteristics of parents with children studying in international schools in aspects of cultural capital can be summarized as follows. First, cosmopolitan experience of family has large impact on their decision to join the international school. Parents have various experience such as study-abroad or working in a foreign country, as well as their children has variety of foreign experience. Their cosmopolitan network, including transnational network, has decisive impact on selection of which international school they want to join. Second, international schools are positioned as alternative choice of Gireogi family. The parents of international school students are determined on this matter; they cannot accept the idea of transnational family for education. Third, the curricular program and the qualification institute are very important. IB diploma seems attractive to parents because it is accepted as global academic qualification. The parents say education environment of international school is more important than preparation for higher education, but most students prepare for higher education in highly ranked western (i most cases, American) university. Lastly, parents have negative opinion on Korean public and private education, which contributes to self-justification in educating their children in international schools. In their opinion, problems of Korean education, such as entrance-exam-centric education, fixed university ranking, excessive private classes, examination hell, competitive grading and so on. International schools targets to provide consistent global education which is accredited by a global standard. International schools in Korea reversely apply it, targeting to give a chance to acquire global academic capital by providing global education environment. The educational strategy of the parents is beyond this: education in international school has advantages in acceptance to high-ranked universities in America or Europe, and helps acquire global cultural capital required to have careers in foreign countries. Furthermore, considering current preference of American academic degree to Korean academic degree, education in international schools may be a very effective strategy to avoid competence with other middle class and have more chance to advance to upper class. They may not have just one educational strategy nor the same target, but it is apparent that international schools are effective strategy to overcome the depreciation of Korean academic degree as cultural capital.
