영어그림동화를 활용한 중등영어과정의 문화통합교육 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Language and culture are closely related to each other. To successfully communicate in English, students have to not only develop English skill but also understand the cultures of English-speaking countries. It is important for students to understand ...

Language and culture are closely related to each other. To successfully communicate in English, students have to not only develop English skill but also understand the cultures of English-speaking countries. It is important for students to understand the target culture for meaningful communication in the language, therefore it is essential to teach the target culture in the English classroom. The purpose of this study is to recommend lesson plans to help the first grade middle school students improve their cultural understanding and English communication skills through English storybooks. The middle school English curriculum aims to teach different cultures and compare them with our own culture. However, previous students’ textbooks contain insufficient reading passages to introduce cultural factors. Teaching cultural factors depends on teachers. This study focuses on presenting integrative activities to teach reading skills and culture through English storybooks. Based on an analysis of Korea’s middle school English curriculum, the lesson plans are created through English storybooks with appropriate cultural content. English storybooks were selected on the grounds of the relevance of their cultural content, the number of words and the students’ level suggested by the middle school curriculum. The selected storybooks are Silly Billy by Anthony browne and How to lose all your friends by Nancy Carlson. The lesson plans are designed to have three periods each lasting 45 minutes. In the first period, the teacher gives students cultural background regarding the story before reading the storybook. Students also share their opinion with their partners and their teacher. In the second period, students read the storybook and learn the key expressions. Using the key expressions, students can do activities such as making invitation cards. In the last period, students do cultural activities such as a role play, cultural projects, cultural writings and debates. Through these lessons, the middle school students are expected to raise their interest for both English lesson and cultural knowledge as well as to notice the differences of both cultures. These lesson plans aim to develop students’ English skill through cultural awareness.
