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구조 분석을 통한 국문장편소설의 교육적 활용 방안 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This research aimed at studying a plan to structuralize Korean full-length novel and utilize this in education. Korean full-length novel is not introduced in Korean language texture or literature texture yet, or fully included. Therefore, this researc...

This research aimed at studying a plan to structuralize Korean full-length novel and utilize this in education. Korean full-length novel is not introduced in Korean language texture or literature texture yet, or fully included. Therefore, this research intended to investigate a plan to effectively deliver Korean full-length novel such as <Sohyeon Seongrok>, <Changseongamuirok>, <Guwoonmong>, and <Hyeonmongssangryonggi>, created after the 17th century, which can be said an important period in development of Korean novel history. Theoretical background applied to structuralization of Korean full-length novel is structuralism. Structure is the rule of system that exist in the base of visible and individual things, when the understanding of such structure is premised, in-depth understanding of individual phenomenon goes ahead, also, an analogical thinking process can occur based on this. For this, this research comprehended the factors to be considered in the educational application based on this by creating the structure map and structuralizing the stream of overall work applying Jacobsen’s communication model. Also, this research investigated the target of the characters’ desire and the cause of behavior, and comprehended the conflict structure per each character and theme consciousness by applying Greimas’ actantial model and semiotic square model as a coding work to deliver the relation and conflict of the characters and the narrative structure. Semiotic square model is useful to comprehend the narrative structure based on the central character and the target, and helpful to understand the complex relation and change progress in the conflict with the characters in the work. Accordingly, it can be a useful tool to comprehend the motive of act of various character groups in a Korean full-length novel and conflict structure, through this, this research intended to widen the width of understanding of Korean full-length novel. To let Korean full-length novel from various periods significantly approach modern learners a kind of coding work is necessary. The code can be the rule to operate symbol as well as the rule in the system where the symbol exists, also, it is necessary to search a formal frame and realize it to properly deliver to the learners while preserving the meaning of the work itself by coding through extracting the common value from the individual characteristics of each work of Korean full-length novel through structural approach. Learners can prepare an opportunity to receive, enjoy, and succeed the message of Korean full-length novel developmentally, also, shift cognition on Korean full-length novel and enhance inner value by meeting various Korean full-length novel based on the principle of code reproduction. Learners have a psychological distance in the classical literature, sometimes even repulsion. Education on the classical literature, unilaterally injected, has not found a desirable direction concentrating only on discussion. It is necessary to find a way to reduce learners’ distance in the classical literature and cultivate literary ability, which can be a matter of being connected with the methodology, ‘how’. Based on this critical mind, whether of which type of teaching‧ learning process should be performed by re-illuminating or reinterpreting the ‘content system’ of curriculum to enable goal realization would appear as the core task, and this research intended to suggest a methodology to solve this problem. Therefore, this research analyzed narrative unit firstly targeting <Sohyeonseongrok>, <Changseongamuirok>, <Hyeonmongssangryonggi>, and comprehended character relation and conflict structure based on the narrative development figure. Because, in order to raise approach to Korean full-length novel, which is unfamiliar to learners and help understanding for educational application, it is necessary to analyze the relevant work structure, discover the regular system and regularity, and suggest them to the learners. Also, in order to investigate a plan to concretely include in the textbook, this research suggested a structure map to understand the content of <Guwoonmong> as the learning goal with the achievement standard of 2015 revised curriculum, after guiding the socio-cultural background and the overall narration stream through the overview of work and narration unit, then suggested the text embellished with modern vocabulary. To help the overall understanding and appreciation of the work through character relation and conflict structure map could be a significant method to include Korean full-length novel with complicated characters and conflict structure in the curriculum. This way, thematic consciousness revealed in the work can be comprehended through character relation and conflict structure, characters’ desire and correction of the wicked people through structural analysis. If the above content is reflected on the curriculum and realized in learning activity, the learners could internalize the value as thematic consciousness, etc. to be told along with in-depth understanding through structuralization of Korean full-length novel.
