문화적 활용을 위한 개인기록과 아카이빙 전략 : 대중음악가 김광석을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Personal Records and Archiving Strategies for Cultural Utility : Focusing on Pop Musician Kim Kwang-seok Records with "cultural utility” have value other than supporting the execution of tasks and duty of explanation. The data and information con...

Personal Records and Archiving Strategies for Cultural Utility : Focusing on Pop Musician Kim Kwang-seok Records with "cultural utility” have value other than supporting the execution of tasks and duty of explanation. The data and information contained in records can be essential material and basis for various research and educational creative activities. Moreover, these activities ultimately preserve social values and collective memories. We live in an age where we as individuals continually produce and collect records through activities in our daily lives that transcend space and time and can communicate with other time periods. People can share, recreate, empathize, and communicate cultural memories through a person's individual records. However, personal records are not collective and temporary in nature; thus their archiving presents the needs for unique strategies that take these characteristics into consideration. This thesis focuses on the personal records of pop musician Kim Kwang-Seok, which are not archived separately but are being used culturally in albums, media, musicals, and exhibitions. First, this thesis sets the theoretical background by defining personal records and their characteristics, their value and cultural utility, and cultural memory. It then analyzed the value of Kim's personal records and the cultural use of Kim's musical activities, which compose the majority of his records that are being used culturally. It also examined personal archiving for cultural use and proposed life story-based individual archiving and online archiving linked with archival information as archiving strategies for cultural use. In life-story based archiving for an individual, first a "main theme” is chosen that represents the key characteristics of the person's life that is being archived. Second, the "turning point” in that person's life is selected. Third, the person's life story is divided into parts with the "turning point”as the standard. Fourth, events, keywords, or works that fall under each part are set up and assigned as "subsections.” Fifth, important events in an individual's life are indicated above the individual's timeline so that the person's life story can be perceived in one glance. For the method of depicting an individual's records, the ISSAR(CPF) was referenced for the proposed method of authoritative control over record production and the ISAD(G) for archival information linked with online archiving. If the strategies suggested in this thesis are used as the basis for archiving an individual's records, then the light of a person's life does not fade away with an individual's death, but shines on through an individual's records which become the raw materials, that is, the gemstones, of cultural value.
