엘리트 테니스 주니어 선수 육성의 연계 방안에 관한 사회학적 실증연구: : G시 테니스 선수 사례를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

연구는 [엘리트 육성 시스템][생활체육 시스템][학교체육 시스템]을 통합적으로 연계한 [학교운동부 선수][클럽스포츠 아카데미 선수]의 실제 현장 지도를 통해서 엘리트 테니스 주니어 ...

연구는 [엘리트 육성 시스템][생활체육 시스템][학교체육 시스템]을 통합적으로 연계한 [학교운동부 선수][클럽스포츠 아카데미 선수]의 실제 현장 지도를 통해서 엘리트 테니스 주니어 선수의 새로운 육성방안을 사례연구를 통해서 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 G도 G시에서 유일하게 테니스를 교기로 운영하는 J초등학교의 테니스부 선수와 클럽 스포츠 아카데미 선수를 포함한 30여 명, 학부모로 설정하였고, 개별 참여자의 비구조화된 심층면담을 시행하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 엘리트 테니스 주니어 선수 육성 연계시스템으로 접근해 나가는 환경, 기술 및 정신적 발전과정에서 형성되는 테니스 문화, 대회 참가와 관련된 의식의 변화과정 등을 사회학적 실증연구를 통해서 심층적으로 관찰한 결과, 기존의 엘리트 테니스 주니어 선수 육성 시스템에 대한 비판적 사고의 기본적인 틀을 제공하였다. 2. 새로운 엘리트 육성 시스템을 통해서 규명된 사회연계망을 통해서 학부모, 선수, 지도자, 협회, 학교는 다이내믹하게 상호 간에 영향력을 미치고 있으며, 특히, 지도자에 대한 법적 지위의 확보, 학부모 의식 개선에 대한 철저한 준비의 필요성이 제시되었다. 3. 엘리트 테니스 선수 육성 연계시스템의 성공적인 사례연구는 체육특기자 선발제도로 연계되는 학원 스포츠의 성적 지향주의 시스템의 폐해를 해소하기 위한 대안뿐만 아니라 ‘한국 엘리트 선수 육성 시스템의 새로운 방안’으로 제시할 수 있다.

This study aims to help 'New Approaches of Korean elite athlete training system to develop elite junior players’ by positive research about the united training system of [Elite P.E. system][Sports for all system], and [School sports system] to devel...

This study aims to help 'New Approaches of Korean elite athlete training system to develop elite junior players’ by positive research about the united training system of [Elite P.E. system][Sports for all system], and [School sports system] to develop elite junior tennis players based on real spot experiences coaching [school sports players] and [Club sports players]. This study included 30 players and their parents of J elementary school tennis players and club sports players, unstructured in-depth interview of individual participant. These triangular verification achieved the results below. First, participation was expanded and the player initiation is also increased through the connection between athletic group and club players. United training system to develop elite junior tennis players helped to increase the social maturity, lower the puberty conflicts and the curiosity about the opposite sex. In addition, harmful effect of gang culture was disappeared. The awareness of ‘Both sports and study are important’ is spreaded. New culture, endeavor players are recognized and truthless people are not recognized by the team or group, was built. School support the participation fee in tournament for the sport athletes and parents pay for the club players. However, not like other athletes, tennis players enjoy trip rather than having a tension to participate in tournament. On the other hand, the leading teacher and coach have more burden to prevent the unexpected accidents. Second, the movement to other place is needed for the sport talents in G-city to enter the upper school. However, it’s possible to participate in training or tournament even though they go to regular school. Furthermore, the reliability of exclusive leader’s consistent management reduced the movement to other places, rather more players are coming to G-city. Third, In Korea, there are no legal status and conditions of sports club not like the advanced counties so there are many limitations involved with cooperations among Elite P.E. system][Sports for all system], and [School sports system]. Existing school system is not enough to embrace young adults in open area, so independent special institute and a regular appointment system for a task force are necessary. It is also urgent to improve the tennis association executives’ hegemony and root out their corruptions. In addition, evaluation system needs to be changed from score-oriented assessment to enlarged assessment for the team operation and management. Fourth, parents level of consciousness influence children’s concern and participation about sports. Children can just sit and watch or give up the sports if there’s no parent’s consciousness. However, so far, there was no education system for the parents to be a guide or a mentor which is come up with the time and situation in Korea. In this regard, Education for the parents should be added to the networking training system to develop elite junior tennis players Fifth, Special leader’s role is more important than any other things for the networking training system to develop elite junior tennis players. Special leaders give both direct and indirect influence the players on the spot. They have a heavy responsibility while doing their special task. Nevertheless, they are under the blind area of the law. Legal protections for the special leaders should be real. Sixth, Brain is expanded and developed the most from ages 3 to 7, so it is very important for the children to be exposed to environment of excise around these ages. It is helpful to promote children’s growth. However, elementary school 2nd and 3rd grades can start to play tennis because of parents’ concern and the difficulties of the management system. It leaves much to be desired. Starting from the toddler through the club sports can make it easy to be changed into school sport player. If club sports simultaneously connect to the school system including kindergarten, the partnership can be maintained very well. Especially, club sports can make an important role to reduce the risk when they can not exercise because of the school study. Seventh, various experience classes fit to the ages and levels such as [Day care center][Preschool][Kindergarten][Elementary school][Middle school][University][Adults]&[Saturday free experience class]·[School Vacation free experience class][Sports for all the children after school class][Young players class][Sports club][P.E. sports experience class] are provided. As a result, students show the tendency to be school sports players if they are interested in sports or don’t want to study, or display the tendency to be club sports players if they have a passion for study or high level of achievement. Like this, it is very hard and difficult to give more access opportunities and draw up plans, but it is very helpful to develop elite players. Above all, it is natural that dependency and passive attitude is changed into a challenging, self regulating attitude, and creating features. In this regard, the role and functions of School education and networking training system are mutually reenforcing for the students to expand individuality not only as players but also as students. Eighth, in case of lower graders and beginners, Participation in tournament for both athletes and club players tend to enjoy games with a little tension. On the other hand, upper graders and advanced players show that they stick to the outcome of the games and get stresses with more tension. Middle graders and intermediate level students are interested in checking skills on their own and they feel happy when they see even a little improvement regardless of the outcome of the games. Finally, this research understand the critical thoughts of the existing system and follow this system as an alternate way for the networking training system to develop elite junior tennis players and suggest these things such as the way to get more players, education for the parents, uprighting personality, special leader’s job description, enlargement of special leaders appointment, legal position, all the association members’ participation and communication, open operation, and inefficiency of existing association’s operation. Consequently, this research aims to help establish Korea’s own networking training system to develop elite junior tennis players. Henceforth, I hope this research would be helpful to establish the policy for developing special leaders(coaches) by suggesting an alternative through the operation case of the networking training system to develop elite junior tennis players as a model which club sport should aim for. Club sport is a base of new korea sports policy.
