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국가문화정체성을 반영한 2018 평창동계올림픽 그래픽모티프 개발 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

PyeongChang’s bids to host the Winter Olympics gained enough votes to win for 2018, after two failed attempts for 2010 and 2014. The process had been drawing a lot of public attention and brought everyone together with a common expectation for a suc...

PyeongChang’s bids to host the Winter Olympics gained enough votes to win for 2018, after two failed attempts for 2010 and 2014. The process had been drawing a lot of public attention and brought everyone together with a common expectation for a successful hosting of the games. As suggested by PyeongChang 2018’s new slogan – “Connected Passion” – it will showcase the global audience participating, in this festival, with a common passion. Meanwhile, the Olympics Games could be viewed as an alternative media with aspects of live media in the form of a festival, that is, a live communication media with interactive and on-the-spot features, wherein users actually take part in creating and sharing their stories from within the festival. In fact, PyeongChang is expecting approximately 45,000 participants including more than five thousand athletes from over a hundred nations, IOC members, media professionals, and referees, all of whom will be active users of this communication channel. In addition, the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games will be a great opportunity to promote the cultural identity of the country to the world through PyeongChang, the venue of the PyeongChang Olympic Games, and the visual identity of the games can be said to be a visual symbol to inform the world about the cultural identity of Korea. In particular, the graphic motif of the games is a key visual identity factor and is meaningful as an influential visual media that attracts the attention of the world. Therefore, this study tried to reflect the cultural characteristics and uniqueness of Korea by recognizing the graphic motif of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games as a visual media. Before developing a symbolic image reflecting the cultural identity of Korea, I searched for ‘Korean’ materials and their formative reinterpretations. We have found the cultural uniqueness of our country in the Korean traditional symbols, which embody the unique character of the Korean ethnicity and aesthetic sensibility, and we have suggested a symbolic form that is based on modularity because modern visuals were needed for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Modularity refers to a structural component system wherein the actions of each small components called modules combine to make up a whole structure. The traditional Korean symbols and the alphabet have been visually restructured by using this approach based on this structural characteristic of modules, and have been organized into 4 groups (‘Modern symbols hidden in traditional symbols’, ‘Classical symbols hidden in traditional symbols’, ‘Parallel symmetry of the Korean alphabet’, ‘Rotational symmetry of the Korean alphabet’) A patterned form was created through a method of continuous development by combining the two module groups of different forms, and finally, the design patterns have been organized into three groups (‘Traditional symbols and traditional symbols’, ‘Traditional symbols and the Korean alphabet’, ‘The Korean alphabet and the Korean alphabet’), based on their usage. The square patterned module effected an interaction among the modules in the structure made of a visual system based on a standard guideline, and formed geometric shapes. This study started from a search about Korea’s cultural identity, and our cultural materials have been visually restructured. Moreover, our attempt at a visual reinterpretation of Korean materials is what makes this study meaningful. I have tried to suggest at the unique structural potential of Korea’s traditional image by adding a modernized view to our cultural materials. I hope that attempts search and reinterpret Korea’s unique cultural materials will continue.
