GWP조직문화 속성이 중국기업의 조직성과에 미치는 영향 : 리더십의 매개효과를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

“The strongest fortress is often conquered by internal crack". Therefore, in a worldwide, in order to keep a strong competition, companies have to strengthen the internal control as the initial task. It also necessary to establish a harmonious and u...

“The strongest fortress is often conquered by internal crack". Therefore, in a worldwide, in order to keep a strong competition, companies have to strengthen the internal control as the initial task. It also necessary to establish a harmonious and united working places and increasing the confidence and pride of every staff. These are the basic of building a strong fort. A good workplace can let workers aware of that they are part of the company, which incentives workers positively solve problems and creates more profits to company. In this article, we select GWP as independent variable to invest its effect on the performance of organizational culture and also find out whether there are mediating roles of leadership between them. (Model as follows) According to Robert Levering’s trust index, the basic of GWP Organization culture is trust operation. GWP organization is divided into three parts: trust, sense of pride and interest. Then, trust is including credibility, respect and fairness. Leadership can also divided into transformational leadership and transactional leadership. ◁그림 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) The object of this study is based on the staff in Shandong province and Jiangsu province etc. 300 questionnaires are handed out and 242 of them are recovered. Through the tools of SPSS and AMOS and using the way of path analysis, the results show that there is a positive relationship between characters of GWP organizational culture and transformational leadership. At the same time, trust, fairness and sense of pride have positive correlation with transactional leadership. Sense of pride and interest have a positive relationship to organizational performance. Besides, in regards to the mediating role of leadership, data shows that transformational leadership have a fully mediating role of leadership between trust, fairness and organizational performance. Transformational leadership plays a partly mediating role of leadership between sense of pride, interest and organizational performance. And transactional leadership have a fully mediating role between trust, fairness and organizational performance. Transactional leadership plays a partly mediating role between sense of pride and organizational performance. Overall, through investigation and analysis, we can see that GWP organizational culture have an enormous influence on organizational performance. China is lack of researches of the GWP organizational culture, and the same as other countries. Thus, this article can be theoretically and practically useful in the study related to the GWP organizational culture. However, this article also exist deficiencies in the process of survey. I hope to make it perfect in the future and provide more valuable content.
