자율적 협동학습(Co-op Co-op) 모형을 적용한 기악합주 지도 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to find a way to teach instrumental ensemble using autonomous cooperative learning. We suggest instrumental ensemble as a method that students are able to learn contents and develop musical thought through music education ...

The purpose of this study is to find a way to teach instrumental ensemble using autonomous cooperative learning. We suggest instrumental ensemble as a method that students are able to learn contents and develop musical thought through music education in which they always listen to various genres of music and express themselves in various ways. By doing so, they will familiar with music when they need music someday as a member of society. For middle school students, music is important in terms of expressing oneself. It is possible for them to experience the sounds of various musical instruments and express their own feelings and thoughts. And also, we regard the instrumental education as an appropriate measure that can reduce the burden of high pitch when their voice changes. Instrumental music can be distinguished by solo, duet, and ensemble. Middle school students have already learned how to play some instruments through elementary education. There is a high need for duet or ensemble learning with instruments that they have learned so far. In case of solo, the expressiveness of the performer is important. However, in case of ensemble, it is necessary to match not only the rhythm and the pitch but also the harmonious cooperation of expression in every instrument to express the beauty of the chords. In other words, for the ensemble, it requires a different musical skill than solo, and it gives students a new experience. For instrumental ensemble class, we need to step aside from existing teacher-led or conductor-led learning and take the cooperative learning from teaching methods that presented by 2015 amended curriculum based on the educational key words such as personality education, creativity education, and self-directed learning. The types of cooperative learning are divided into two types: 'student-team learning (STL)' which is a structure that cooperates within the group and compensates through inter-group competition, and 'cooperative project(CP)' which needs not only inter-group cooperation but also group collaboration that will complete the objective of all class members. Because of the nature of the music curriculum, the type of 'collaborative project (CP)' was chosen because it is meaningful that the whole class collaborate to complete the music rather than the special rewards through competition. Cooperative project types include various collaborative learning models such as task sharing learning(Jigsaw), autonomous cooperative learning(Co-op Co-op), learning together(LT). In this study, autonomous cooperative learning was applied. The autonomous cooperative learning chooses the learning topics through the whole class discussion on the comprehensive subject presented by the teacher and subdivides the learning topics into group topics. It is sort of a structure in which they select group topics to solve by the group, and then divide the group topics into the sub-topics again, and the roles are assigned among the respective members. The learning method is that each member learns about his/her sub-major, and when he/she completes it, he/she completes group topics by sharing the contents of learning through presentations in group and then presents group topics to the whole class. In doing so, the learning topic selected by whole class will be complete. In other words, through the cooperative work of each group, they accomplish all group topics, and through the cooperation between the groups, they complete the learning topic. In this study, we developed a teaching model of instrumental ensemble using autonomous cooperative learning and proposed teaching plan of instrumental ensemble. Each instruction and timetable was written with a comprehensive theme called 'The Beatles' for second grade students in middle school. 'The Beatles' is a representative group of pop music among popular music. Various pieces of music are widely included in many textbooks, and students still love to sing its songs as popular music. We consider it meaningful for learning to study not only music but also the various cultures left by the group 'The Beatles' and listening to music and playing music. The teaching plan is composed of a total of three classes, and it is included in various instructional activities to make cooperative learning effective in class. The procedure of this study presents the theoretical background based on the previous researches on the educational meaning of the instrumental ensemble, the background of cooperative learning, previous studies on various models, and tried to find the each teaching method by developing the instructional model of instrumental ensemble applying autonomous cooperative learning. The developed instructional model and each instruction was applied to the actual class in 8 classes of second grade in a middle school in Gyeonggi-Do. And the questionnaires were used for the verification after the class. Although autonomous cooperative learning is different from traditional learning method, such as reduced teacher intervention and student-centered class. However, teachers should help to understand clearly and cooperate with characteristic and educational meaning of autonomous cooperative learning model. In the course of applying the ensemble class, each member of the group undergoes a collaborative process at the stage of completing group subjects through individual practice. The members of each group mutually depend on the way of playing, the concept of music and make music through communication with members in which they agree on the expression of music and cooperate to find ways to express themselves through music in group. Moreover, by completing the musical piece of the class topic through cooperation between the groups, it is easy to feel satisfaction and accomplishment feeling by the completion of the sub-topic of each member. Through this experience of instrumental ensemble, we expect the effect that students are likely to approach and feel music more easily and naturally.
