중등학교 미디어 교육의 내용, 교수학습 과정 및 성과에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The aim of this study is to investigate the teaching-learning content, methods, and outcomes of media education in the secondary school to raise media literacy competence for adolescents. To conduct the study the textbooks of five subjects were analyz...

The aim of this study is to investigate the teaching-learning content, methods, and outcomes of media education in the secondary school to raise media literacy competence for adolescents. To conduct the study the textbooks of five subjects were analyzed, 7 teachers were interviewed to reveal teaching-learning process. Students learning experiences were analyzed and the outcomes of media education as students' satisfaction, the perception of media education effects, and media literacy competence. Also, variables that influence on the outcomes of media education were analyzed by multiple regression analysis. 957 students(middle 480/50.3%, high 474/49.7%; male 447/48%, female 484/52%) participated in the survey from 3 middle schools and 3 high schools in Kyeonggi-Do. This study included a pilot test after observing two lessons and survey from May to July in 2015, and seven teachers who have taught general subjects(such as Korean language, Social studies, Ethics, Technology, and Information) were interviewed between late January and middle February in 2016. The media education contents from the textbooks had the next findings. First, Korean language subject focused on media utilization of collecting information and expressing an own opinion by using variable media to communicate with others. Ethics subject mainly showed media dysfunction, cyber-bulling and flaming on the Internet. There was one thing in common - the critical acceptance and understanding of mass media between middle school and high school in Social studies, but media production activity was only at the middle school level. Both Technology subject and Information subject were focused on utilizing and producing computer program as well as using information with responsibility on the internet. Overall there was a protectionism approach with media ethics rather than an empowerment approach with media production in general subjects. There wasn't much content about producing media, sharing and , distributing information, and distinguishing facts from commercials in social media environment. Second, there are teachers' strategies and students' learning experiences in media education practice. Media education was conducted by teachers and the lecture was given with examples to make students understand better. Furthermore, media education was used as a tool to reach subjects' goal, old media formats as TV programs, news, advertisements were adapted too. Teachers arranged students' learning activities as work in pairs and collaborative group work. The highest ranking in media education methods from students' survey was the way of lecturing. The next ranking was self-directed learning, problem-based learning, ask-and- answer, and discussion was ed as the least by middle school students and high school students. As a result of the frequent method, teaching-learning activity in media education was teacher-centered, not students-centered. Third, outcomes of media education such as class satisfaction, perceived effectiveness, and media literacy competence of adolescents were analyzed by multiple regression analysis preformed in SPSS 18.0. Middle school students were more satisfied with media education than high school students and also the difference was statistically significant. Female students were more satisfied with media education than male students, but it wasn't statistically significant. Predictable variables of satisfaction with media education were method of using variable resource, self-directed learning, ask-and-answer, explanation, modeling and media literacy competence. Middle school students scored higher perceived effectiveness of media education than high school students and also the difference was statistically significant. The same result performed the female students. The most predictable variable was media literacy competence, the next one was self-directed learning, ask-and-answer, project learning for the perceived effectiveness of media education. The level of media production in the middle school students was much higher than the high school, but there was the opposite situation in both, critical analysis and ethical attitude level. Female students' media literacy competence was higher than those of male students and the results of the analysis were statically significant. An experience of producing media, perceived effectiveness, sex, school level, time spent on the Internet were predictable variables for media literacy competence. Satisfaction with media education didn't have any influence on media literacy competence. Media competence is one of pivotal capacity for adolescents in the digital social media environment. Discussion and proposals were made for future research based on achievements and limitations of media education at the secondary school level.
