학생들이 인식하는 교사의 의사소통 유형과 세대차이 인식수준의 관계에 관한 연구 : 교사연령의 상호작용효과를 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Generation gap has been one of the uprising social problems in Korea today. Due to the rapid social development for about six decades, Korea has more complicated and distinctive generation gap than other countries does. It stands out in the relationsh...

Generation gap has been one of the uprising social problems in Korea today. Due to the rapid social development for about six decades, Korea has more complicated and distinctive generation gap than other countries does. It stands out in the relationship between parents and adolescent children. However, it arises from the relationship between teachers and students in school, where the youth spend most their time. Consequently, the issue of generation gap in the youth need addressing as a remarkable variables in the relationship with teachers in school as well as in home. Moreover, traditional studies on generation gap in school have mostly conducted generation analyses based on the age effect from the biological viewpoint. Still, this viewpoint has brought out the limits for analysing generation gap in the rapidly changing society with many a new culture. A new approach is necessary to figure out causes and solutions of generation gap in these days after all. Therefore, this study is focused on the generational communication, which is suggested as a solution for generations from many preceding studies. This study is intended to investigate the relationship between age effect and generation gap and between communications and generation gap these days. Hereupon this conducted a survey of communication types of teachers and generation gap recognition perceived by students on 260 middle school students, who are most sensitive on the interpersonal relationships, in the province of Seoul and Gyeonggi. The main results from this are as the following: first, as a result of investigating communication types of teachers and generation gap recognition perceived by students, general trend of generation gap has been lowered than that of preceding studies. However, generation gap perceived by students these days is influencing on academical factors more than on daily living or leisure and taste factors. In addition, generation gap based on demographic background shows that generation gap has not much difference in teacher's sexes, student's sexes, grades, and family background, but in teacher's age groups and student's academical achievements. In other words, in terms of teacher's age, the generation gap recognition gets higher as age gets older. Especially the group of low academical achievement feels more generation gap. Next, communication types of teachers perceived by students show that today's teachers usually have democratic and coercion types, and teacher's sexes and age groups, and student's academical achievements affects on communication. Summing up, both generation gap and communication perceived by students are ascertained to be influenced by academical factors and age effect respectively. Second, in the result of examining how is generation gap recognition depending on communication types of teachers perceived by students, generation gap recognition for democratic types are the lowest, and coercion types are the highest. Third, as the result that teacher's age is put together into the relationship between communication types of teachers perceived by students and generation gap recognition, there is no interactive effect between communication types of teachers and teacher's age, and all the subfactors of generation gap recognition show no main effect of teacher's age effect. But there is a statistically significant result on communication types of teachers. This means that generation gap recognition perceived by students depend not on teacher's ages but on communication types. After all, students feel less generation gap from teachers of democratic type of communication and more generation gap from coercion type regardless whether they are in their 20s or 60s. Grounded on this, this study suggests that firstly teachers try not to give students academical burden or excessive academical stress and especially have more efforts of care and communication for students with low achievements, secondly research study of positive communication skills for coercion types of teachers, who can be easily found even today, and systemic and of policy efforts for reduction of work are needed, and thirdly, communication has more effects on generation gap in school than age effect, which stands for traditional view, so however old teachers are, they can utilize positive communication skills to recover the relationship with students and give a good influence on them, making the skills solutions of age effect. Judging from these, it is important that this study shows the importance of communication in generation gap and a necessity and a basis of a new viewpoint of generations through a comprehensive investigation on the traditional and communicational viewpoint on generation gap in school.
