교사의 영유아 권리존중 실행 및 어려움에 관한 문화기술적 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this research is to analyse the causes of difficulties to implement the right respect for infants and children. Based on the daily plan of infants and children’s educational institutions which show the right respect of infants and chi...

The purpose of this research is to analyse the causes of difficulties to implement the right respect for infants and children. Based on the daily plan of infants and children’s educational institutions which show the right respect of infants and children by teachers during the day at daycares and kindergarten classes, the perception of teachers and action status were analysed. According to the purpose of the study, the following research questions were set up. 1. How is the teacher aware of the right respect for infants and children and how is it specifically implemented? 2. What causes difficulty for teachers to practise the right respect for infants and children? The subjects of this study were 16 teachers working in two kindergartens and one daycare in Gyeonggi-do. The period of study was from November 2015 to October 2016. Data collection was as follows: A total of 75 participant observations from 25 visits at each institution were conducted. A total of 94 individual interviews were completed. 3 times for 4 teachers and 3 times for the Director from kindergarten A, 5 times for 7 teachers, 3 times for the Director, 5 times for the Assistant Director, and 1 time with a parent from kindergarten B, and lastly 5 times for 5 teachers and 10 times for the Director from Daycare C. In addition, data were collected through audio recordings and document collection. Participant observations and interview content were written in the form of field records, and the collected data were analysed by categorizing them. The results of this study are as follows. First, the teacher's perception and practise about the right respect for infants and children showed three aspects. 1. There was an authenticity in listening to infants and children’s opinions and there was a deep affection for accepting all things from infants and children in the teacher’s role as a practitioner of providing the right respect to infants and children. 2. Even though there was teacher awareness of the right respect for infants and children, there were many difficulties to implement it in reality. On the operational aspect, they were experiencing fatigue and severe stress due to secondary tasks other than educational activities. With regard to the physical space of early childhood educational institutions, there was no separate space to rest for infants and toddlers, which requires support and consideration in terms of their well-being and welfare. Although there is a perception that the right respect for infants and children should be guaranteed, a lack of knowledge about individual development caused difficulties to carry out proper childcare that respects individual differences. 3. Due to the insufficiency of teachers’ perceptions about the right respect for infants and children, it is seen that the practice is not implemented. For example, it is found that the physical environment considering the physical characteristics of infants and children in daycare and kindergartens was not adequately established. The difficult circumstances to pay close attention to the developmental characteristics of infants and children and the lack of the teacher's sensitive perception to developmental characteristics were found. In order for a teacher to properly practise the right respect for infants and children in their daily life, it is very important to establish concrete awareness of the rights of infants and children. It is also important for teachers to understand that infants and children are active subjects for rights while the teachers have the accurate awareness of the rights of infants and children by checking on their educational belief based on the knowledge of infant and child development. Based on the importance of the right respect for infants and children, it is necessary for teachers to examine the perception of children and their rights. A change of view is required with regard to infants and children being immature individuals who need to be protected through proper legal consideration in terms of their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development to independent personalities to be ready as individuals living in society. It is necessary to change the point of view to understand infants and children from objects of protection to the subject of rights. Second, four main causes were analysed in the difficulty to practise the right respect of infants and children. 1. There was a lack of awareness of teacher perception about the right respect for infants and children. As a result, hygiene and cleanliness could not be maintained during a nap or snack time, and they were not able to intervene effectively in the play situation. Teachers have planted stereotypes according to the biological sex of infants and children by providing separate activities. 2. Teachers are too busy. They have difficulties to implement the right respect curriculum for infants and children as a subject and reach their limit because they focus on ‘’show-off’’ events for parents and special activities on their daily plans. This has also limited the right to professionalism and courtesy of the teacher. Among the rights of infant and children’s teachers, the publicity surrounding their status of rights and welfare is part of the difficulties. The private hours of the teachers have not been guaranteed because of the long hours exceeding the daily statutory working hours as well as during holidays which have become commonplace. 3. One more cause is teacher centered regulations rather than centered on infants and children. The rules that have to be followed in the class have sometimes promoted an atmosphere that suppresses the autonomy of infants and children, thus teachers don’t realise that it blocks the creation of dynamic scenes from the joy and spontaneity of play. Collectivism is also analysed to be a cause. Teaching principles centered on teachers' ideas about children and specific educational programs have been unilaterally proposed to infants and young children without considering the context of the classroom. The right to feelings and expressions of infants and children became violent and stiffened by the teacher's uniform guidance on behaviour. 4. Finally, there is a violation of the rights of teachers. Teachers of infants and children experienced an impairment of self–esteem by parents and were under stress. Even though they felt the chagrin and conflict about the uncomfortable gaze of society about the teachers of infants and children, they were self-defeating in themselves about their inability to cope with it. They were experiencing an uncompromising conflict between the ideal sense of an established vocation when they became teachers and the realistic sense of contraction that can’t be turned away. . It is necessary for our society including parents to trust and respect infant and children’s teachers as professionals so that their stress can be reduced. In order for teachers to carry out quality education with educational beliefs and convictions while being respected for their rights, directors, fellow teachers, parents and society need to be supporters. Due to the operation of the CCTV surveillance system, teachers were currently experiencing professional skepticism and helplessness because of the lack of protection of autonomy and privacy. It is difficult to see that the working environment of infants and children’s teachers is satisfactory in terms of the amount of time spent working and the physical aspects of the job as it has been revealed that the rights of their working conditions are not properly ensured under such poor conditions. In addition, teachers closely observed infants and children and kept discussing with their fellow teachers in order to understand the causes of the language and behaviors showed by infants and toddlers. Teachers were trying to understand infants and children while constantly reflecting on their thoughts and self-reflection. According to the management philosophy of directors, the organizational atmosphere of the institution was different at these research places of kindergarten A, B, and daycare C. The aspect respecting the rights of infants and children was also found to be related with the operating philosophy.
