양안 경제교류와 남북한 경제교류의 비교분석 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula are political and military sensitive area in East Asia. In this area, the countries of Northeast Asia have a conflict of interest, and the changes of cross-Straits and inter-Korean relations get the attention of ...

Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula are political and military sensitive area in East Asia. In this area, the countries of Northeast Asia have a conflict of interest, and the changes of cross-Straits and inter-Korean relations get the attention of the world. The civil war between the Nationalists and the Communist Party has led to a confrontation between Taiwan and mainland China for 30 years since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. This confrontation had not eased till Deng Xiaoping(the second generation leader of the People’s Republic of China) took power. Since then, the cross-Straits relations have been promoted under the policy of “separating economy from politics” This policy promotes civil economic exchanges, which help to improve cross-straits relations and communications between government departments, and this eventually beneficial to the reunification of China. But in 2016, the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Tsai Ing-wen won in Taiwan's presidential elections, then the situation has changed with the DPP retake power after a period of 8 years. The constant policy of DPP is to promote the independence of Taiwan, which is not conducive to the cross-Straits relations. As to the inter-Korean relations, during Kim Dae-jung and the Roh Moo-hyun’s rule, the economic exchanges have been expanded under the “first economic post–political” policy. But since Lee myung-bak‘s administration had linked the political and economic exchanges, the inter-Korean economic exchanges gradually decreased. Park Geun-hye’s government decided to pursue a new North Korea policy of 'the Korean Peninsula trust process", which uptakes the advantages and discards disadvantages of the previous government by analyzing the policies of theirs. Expectations got high for improved inter-Korean relations under a new unified concept of “reunification is great”. But since North Korea conducted the fourth nuclear test and launched missile in January 2016, the inter-Korean economic exchanges have totally stopped after the close of Kaesong zone. This study analyzed from four aspects of cross-Straits and inter-Korean relationship, including the political environment, government policy, means of communication and the scale of exchange. Firstly, if we look at the background and the nature of cross-Straits and inter-Korean divisions from political environment, it will be noted that they are fundamentally different from each other. External factors caused the division of North and South Korea, but China and Taiwan were divided by the civil war between the Nationalists and the Communist Party. Secondly, I analyzed from the government aspect. The government of Taiwan argued that Taiwan is an independent country, but China declined to admit this independence. On the premise of an independent state, the goal of achieving cross-Strait reunification is very difficult in reality. Therefore, China has pursued a policy that aims at closing the gap with Taiwan through informal approach rather than a formal one, and eventually achieves the goal of political unity. However, due to the rigidity of the North Korea’s political system, the development of inter-Korean relations is tough by non-governmental contacts or exchanges. Thirdly, I analyzed from the means of communication aspect. The cross-strait political relations have disengaged in the first 20 years, but China and Taiwan have always maintained economic exchanges though the limitation exists. Taiwan has dramatically increased exports and investments in China while maintaining the political tensions. In the beginning, the cross-Strait economic exchanges did quietly, but it turned actively following a friendly policy towards China since 2008. As to the inter-Korean relations, the overseas Korean before Korea and China established diplomatic relations did not maintain the value neutrality and act as a bridge between the two just as the overseas Chinese did. Although many Koreans in third countries have formed a Korean society, they lost value of neutrality. Thus they are impossible to act as a bridge between the North and South Korea. From the North Korean side, it is more effective to ease the concern of absorbing unification by communicating with the overseas Korean society in China or Russia rather than communicate with South Korea directly. Lastly, I looked at the data of trade exchanges and personal exchanges from the sale of exchange aspect. Trade exchanges of cross-strait almost increased six times from $305.3 billion in 2000 to $ 1885.6 billion in 2015, though it sometimes reduced a little due to political issues and global economic downturn. The cross-strait personal exchanges started from 1987 since the opening-up of relatives visiting. Since then, the number of personal exchanges increased rapidly and reached the highest 941.1 million people. The trade exchanges of inter-Korean are just $ 1.95 billion in 1994 and $ 1.971 billion in 2012, but it almost increased ten times and reached a peak of $ 2.714 billion in 2015.The number of personal exchanges is only 536 people in 1995, then it grew three times in 1997 and reached 3317 people, and continued to maintain a rapid growth till it reached a peak of 186 775 people in 2008. After then, The number of personal exchanges decreased due to the political factors. Comparing the sale of economic or personal exchanges between the cross-strait and the inter-Korean, we can see significant differences between them. The inter-Korean exchanges are mainly lead by the government, thus it is affected a lot by political factors. However, cross-Strait exchanges are mostly lead by the civil organization, thus it growing as the economy changes and would not be much affected by political factors. Due to the ideological confrontation of big powers and civil war since World War II, The division of the cross-strait and the inter-Korean has formed. The long history of the division caused many differences in various fields such as politics, economy, society and culture. Comparing the relationship between the cross-strait and the inter-Korean, we found that there are various similarities and differences between them. The civil society-led cross-strait exchanges are dynamic in diverse fields such as economy and culture. By considering this, the inter-Korean exchanges can be improved by opening a part of the Northern Korean market through civil society-led exchange and creating an effective and dynamic environment. In addition, the government should play a more active role and create more good policies for the economic exchanges of the cross-strait and the inter-Korean, which will help the development of the cross-strait and the inter-Korean relations, then move to the stage of unification.
