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『레미제라블』 공연예술 의상의 조형성 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Les Misérables, a novel that represents longing for human freedom and equality, shows the inner truth of life with insight through the journey of the hero Jean Valjean finding his true self. Les Misérables is expanding and transforming into ...

Les Misérables, a novel that represents longing for human freedom and equality, shows the inner truth of life with insight through the journey of the hero Jean Valjean finding his true self. Les Misérables is expanding and transforming into a variety of cultural contents by evoking public sympathy beyond time and space. Thus, the objective of this study is to determine the aesthetic characteristics of costume design reproduced in the film, musical and play versions of Les Misérables based on understanding of the literature. To visualize the costumes in Les Misérables, this study comparatively analyzed the costumes in each genre based on the illustrations made in the same period, and elicited the aesthetic characteristics of the seven main characters. The aesthetic characteristics depicted in the costume design for Les Misérables are presented in the form of reproducing the costumes of the time, expressing the attributes of the characters, reflecting the sensibility of the same period, specializing each type of performance, and reflecting the directing philosophy and the contents are as follows. First, the costume design for Les Misérables depicted the beauty of costume in romanticism specifically and modernly based on historical research. By conveying the mood with costumes that reproduced the beauty of costumes at the time and sociocultural characteristics, costumes in Les Misérables are restructured and interpreted in various perspectives suitable for each genre. Second, the costumes, accessories and makeup that reflected the personalities and attributes of each character display the roles and create a unique and individual image as a medium that represents the character. Here, the color of the costume serves as a useful tool to portray the character. Third, a new image was created by reflecting the contemporary sensibility to the costumes of the times and reinterpreting the style, thereby enabling the audience to naturally perceive the performance without feeling a sense of disparity or unfamiliarity. The sensibility of the times was depicted based on eclecticism by combining and restructuring the costumes of the modern style with those of the time period then, or by blending different styles of different times. Fourth, the directing method was suitable for limited time and space in each genre by specializing the costumes for each performance type. The patterns and details were presented elaborately in the film to realistically reproduce the costumes of the times. In the musical, the distance between the stage and the audience was considered, and thus the visual elements were most emphasized. On the other hand, costumes in the play were simplified based on the characteristics of romantic costumes. Fifth, the three genres were interpreted differently depending on the directing intention by reflecting the directing philosophy. In the scene of the barricade, Jean Valjean is dressed in military uniform in the musical to depict the situation at the time and maximize the dramatic effect. Javert was portrayed realistically in the film as a plainclothes detective, but wore a uniform in the musical and the play to symbolically reveal his status. Thénardier was featured as a comical character to entertain the audience and keep them from being bored by the heavy and narrative story in the musical and the play. The costume design for Les Misérables created a dramatic effect by reproducing characters that reflect the attributes of the costumes and characters of the times. It blended different styles suitable for each performance type and the sensibility of today, with the intention to depict the author’s directing intention in creative stage aesthetics. This study had significance in that it promoted the understanding of costume design in performing arts by examining the aesthetic characteristics of costumes in performing arts that reproduced a literary work, and that it can be used as a reference for performing arts design in the future. This study is anticipated to provide theoretical grounds that are applicable to costume design in works that require understanding and analysis of classics, and to be used in costume design for performing arts.
