지리교육에서 사용되는 유추 특성과 역할 : 지리 교과서와 지리교사들이 활용하는 유추 사례를 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study to understand the nature and role of the analogy used in geography textbook and geography teachers by connecting geography educational situation and the results of cognitive science research on analogical thinking. And this s...

The purpose of this study to understand the nature and role of the analogy used in geography textbook and geography teachers by connecting geography educational situation and the results of cognitive science research on analogical thinking. And this study discuss about geography class context and factors affected analogy use. In conclusion, this study suggest appropriate instructional strategies for geography education. To that end, the analogy was defined as similarity and function. And this study addressed the theoretical models such as structure-mapping theory, schema theory, case theory, actor-oriented transfer as a successful analogical process. On the one hand, the analogy is to function as an anchor that connects the students' preconception and geography concept in common educational situation. So, the forms of analogy used in instruction relate to geography learning were classified as a metaphor, isomorphic cases, analogical model(symbol, experiment, role-play). Especially, isomorphic cases convey that the same relationships hold in different geographical examples such as similar situation based similar condition(site, location) or functional analogs Between different cultures. Analyses of analogs used in the geography textbook and generated by geography teacher through interviewing were conducted in accordance with the analysis criteria. The major research finding includes the following: a) the analogy in geography education was functioned as a way of thinking to extended to a novel situation. The 'finding geographical analogs' task were used in a lot of geography textbooks. Especially, a task to find the familiar analogs of learners around can be a voluntary transfer of knowledge. But, the case of difficult task to find on their own, students a lot of these challenges. Therefore, it needed learning condition to reason in the case of using geographic features(i.e., map) and tasks to find the partial property of analogy. b) The results showed that students challenge when 'finding analogs' through one instance. Moreover there are not a 'structure-mapping' activity between the cases that surface information is different. So, I suggest that isomorphic cases in the textbook are supported by structure-mapping activity between the cases under the surface information are different in terms of a more flexible scheme for troubleshooting. c) If the structure similarity is not clear or direct observation such as physical process, conflict between regions, 'finding analogs' is difficult to solve. Also, It turned out to be a risk to interpret the geographical event in the surface information. Therefore, 'structure-mapping' activity between cases based on different climatic environments, geographical scale, and technically in a geological perspective was necessary. d) Compared with textbooks, geography teachers recognized as a metaphor depending on the ability of an individual teacher or teaching style. In particular, The metaphors were used intensively to explain physical landscapes and process. It was related to the no observation in action, on a large scale, and students' experience gap with the world, and absent of clear criterion for teaching the concepts. However, the analogical model using experiments and role play in the classroom were considered alternative geography instructional strategies. Analogical thinking is the use of knowledge from previous experiences to facilitate learning in a new situation. Still focused on understanding concepts rather than considering the analogical transfer of the student experience. Albeit an important part of learning geographical concepts, critical skills necessary for in the future of society are to use the acquired knowledge both flexible and creative. The limits of this study are to approach from teachers' perspective and the author's intention in accordance with the theoretical discussion. Thus this study is expected to be a systematic criterion for developing teacher training program, production of textbooks.
