신명기계 역사서와 역대기계 역사서에 드러난 계약 궤 이동 사화의 비교분석 : 2사무 6,1-19과 1역대 13,5-14; 15,25-16,3을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

There are some parallel texts which are similar in aspects of shape and content in the Testament. In many case, these parallel texts, however, have different composing intend according to each writers. One of that representative parallel text is in De...

There are some parallel texts which are similar in aspects of shape and content in the Testament. In many case, these parallel texts, however, have different composing intend according to each writers. One of that representative parallel text is in Deuteronomistic Historical Book and Chroniclic historical Book. At this point, in this treatise I’ll comparer parallel texts which treat the translation of Covenant Ark tales(2Sam 6,1-19; 1Chr 13,5-14) so that try to understand two historian’s theological intends and their interests. This survey’s course and method is as follows. At first, this treatise is survey based on diachronic viewpoint which is understanding historian’s theological intent of whom had written this. The survey processed in this treatise analyses each text’s sentences grammatically by corresponding in a verse unit so that could judgement each historian’s favor terms and description styles or compare stylistic characters. In chapter 1, we’ll explore about Ark which is main object of limited text. The Ark emerged in Old Testament contains the board of Ten Commandments, so that the meaning of term Covenant Ark is attached a meaning of concluded covenant between God and Israel which is represented in Ten Commandments. Hence we could notice that the Covenant Ark is linked with religious meaning for Israel very strongly. Next, this treatise surveyed two hypothesises about Covenant Ark, highlighted intensively. This hypotheses is generally two things that theory about Sinai origin by Greßmann and about inflow from Canaan by von Rad. Greßmann insists that Ark is originated in the wilds life because the existence of Ark is presupposed. In contrast, von Rad asserts that Israel produced the Ark because they are influenced by religion culture of Canaan after they had settled down in the Promised Land. The Ark exposed in the Testament has four metaphorical meanings roughly. First it describes the existence of God since it contains board of Ten Commandments. Second is that this means the throne and footstool which God sits on above. Also, the Ark functions a tool dwelled God’s holiness which is beyond description, that is glory. At last, the Ark symbolizes the Holy of Holies gathering twelve tribes. Chapter 2 gives an account of the text’s location and limitation. At first, a limited 2Sam 6,1-19 is located in core point of points located between two parts carrying on David’s rising and suffering. Through this, tale carrying on settlement of Covenant Ark is in the middle of transfer course from David kingdom to institutional kingdom. The composing date seems to be Babylonian exile season. This could be reflexed in theological interest shown in texts. An outline of the text is divided by optimistic/pessimistic atmospheres reflexed in the text. Chronicles text is limited by parts paralleling with limited the Book of Samuel text at first. Composing date of this could be expected in 4th century B. C. when Israel came back to homeland after finished exile life since it records liturgical tools and regulations in detail. Also, outline of limited chronicles text is composed by the Book of Samuel. Continuously, if considered comparison part, we could be notice that parts of the Book of Samuel and the Book of Chronicles exhibit duplicated characters in shapes of description or style. In the case of Book of Samuel, military terms and of that allusion were embossed and main subject leading story is reserved to David, that is, description is flowed with focused in David. But in the case of Book of Chronicles, there are many expressions which is showing priests class and role of Levities, the main subject leading story is all of Israel, that is not same with personal David but communal Israel. The main content is resulted from C part, which is in concentration structure. According to Bandstra, Deuteronomistic historian who is author of the Book of Samuel finished composing of this Book in exile season. this historian, however, would introspected why course of the Israel’s history had been fallen. and one of that conclusions was would be that there was not truly leader in the Israel. So, Deuteronomistic Historian sets David a idealistic leader and processed a tales in focused with him. And in same context, it seems that he brings people’s military and heroic aspects following him into relief. In contrast, a period when Chroniclic Historian lived is presumed that people came back to Judea after had finished exile. So his concern would be little different with Deuteronomistic Historian. Many authors assume that the period of Chroniclic Historian was a season that needed to reestablish confused roles of priesthood and Levities and emphases unity of Israel focused on the middle sanctuary. So it seems that Chroniclic Historian set a united Israel through this text, and spares many proportion to contents about priesthood and Levities. Like this, there are many cases that parallel texts revealed in Testament reflect each authors intends who descript each texts. The tales of the translation of Covenant Ark which was carried on this treatise reflect ‘Sitz im Leben’ of Deuteronomistic Historian and Chroniclic Historian and their intends according to that muchly.
