중동 신정주의 헌정체제의 규명과 국제정치적 성격에 관한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The international political system in Middle East shows high complexity due to their historical circumstances and external influences, which makes it quite uneasy to interpret with westernized perspective and logic. Therefore, I decided to go with an ...

The international political system in Middle East shows high complexity due to their historical circumstances and external influences, which makes it quite uneasy to interpret with westernized perspective and logic. Therefore, I decided to go with an assumption based research on finding characteristics of Middle Eastern politics by first focusing on looking at the cover of events, then deep diving into identifying the underlying causes and backgrounds, then finally conceptually understand the core structures and conditions of it, which eventually will unveil the key characters of Middle Eastern international political system. Islamic nations in Middle East are represented by authoritarian monarchy that are a mix of the traditional Islamic theocratic political system and the symbolic democratic system. However, these nations are bonded in Islamic community and have commonalities in Islamic religious history and culture, unique Arabic language, external regime era, invasions by the Western and fights against them, and nationalism, Islamic, democratic movements. This phenomenon has not only inspired them to unite as an Islamic community but also allowed them to act as a dominant oiler group in global politics. The research had progressed with having key focus on the research objective and its observation, drawing the results, then eventually confirmed the degree of truth on the assumption of 'Islamic theocratic political ideology is the key element that determines the fundamental pattern of Middle Eastern international politics'. This assumption was set base on a logic that there must be an unified mechanism in international politics which rules the Islamic community, and research focused on exploring into the origin, nature and character of the mechanism with focuses on historical facts and political scientific perspective of Islamic community theocratic ideology. It was noted that Islamic community has applied medieval theocratic to current modern system. The recent expansions of Islamic theocratic and evolution of Islamic ideology were discussed, and these items were used to prove the assumption that the theocratic historically has been the fundamental patterns for Islamic nations to determine their international politics. The Wahabism phenomenon that tries to return to the original Islam has evolved into theocratic as well as Islamic traditionalism, Islamic reformism, Islamic secularism, Islamic fundamentalism and variety of ideas, and there are Islamic thinkers who research in theocratic democracy with the Western democracy. the theocratic political ideology started from the medieval Khalifa era and it continued through Islam dynasties and Ottoman empire, and as Ottoman empire collapsed, there were new nations that returned to the original theocratic systems, and that led to believe there must be a key factor for it. The reasons were assumed to be like the Islamic renaissance movement against the unfair international political environments, Islamic fundamentalism against the Western, the rally between Arab nationalism and Ummah Tribalism, and the modern Islamic republic, and these were considered to be reasons for international political stand point of the theocracy. In order to verify the Islamic theocratic system, this research analyzed a survey result about 'In 21st century, will this type of theocratic political system survive?'. The theocratic political system of Islamic community honors Sharia religious law over the constitution of a nation, and by comparing each nation's constitution, their theocratic political systems were identified. For comparative constitutional research case, those Arab Islamic countries were chosen that show high dependency in theocracy, specifically deep analysis on five countries that honor Sharia law over the constitution. As a result, they were categorized in three groups; Saudi Arabia as Khalifa theocratic system, Oman as Sultan theocratic system, and Kuwait, Qatar, UAE as Amir theocratic system, and this was disclosed for the first time in this study. In research conclusion chapter, the assumption of Islamic political system's mechanism and the keyword 'Theocratic Political Ideology' that was addressed earlier was verified. in addition, it showed a potential of Islamic democracy through evolution and modernization of theocratic political ideology, and explained the conflicts between theocracy and democracy and the transition of theocracy to democracy. The theocratic political ideology looked at the possibility of coexistence of Islamic and Western civilization, the expansion of Islamic extremists, and oppositions among Islamic parties, however additional researches were left as a homework for the current Islamic community. In this research, The goal was to understand backgrounds and characteristics of those new Islamic countries formed in modern era, and finally be able to show what it means for Middle Eastern political system to be one of the key axes in international politics. It is a strong belief that the Middle Eastern theocratic political system shows historical continuity, and it will continue to show characteristics of theocratic international political system. Considering historical facts where the Middle Eastern issues were key topics in international politics, this study could contribute on identifying characteristics of current Middle Eastern international political system.
