종교중독 치유를 위한 기독교 상담자의 역할 : 하인즈 코헛의 자기심리학을 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to investigate religious addiction based on the self-psychology of Kohut and suggest the role of healing counselor in Christian counseling. This study was conducted according to the three research questions. In the first s...

The purpose of this study is to investigate religious addiction based on the self-psychology of Kohut and suggest the role of healing counselor in Christian counseling. This study was conducted according to the three research questions. In the first step, is it appropriate to diagnose religious addiction with general diagnostic criteria of addiction. In the second step, what is the cause and treatment of religious addiction in the view of Kohut's self-psychology. In the third step, what is the role of Christian counselor for the treatment of religious addiction. We investigated the role of healing counselor by applying consideration of theory and case study. The results of this study are as follows. In the first step, religious addiction was caused by similar causes of general addiction influenced by biology, psychology and social culture. Abuse from parents, lack of care, strict and punitive rearing attitude at home, compulsive and coercive religious practices, spiritual abuse by religious leaders, being brainwashed by doctrinal education of heresy generated religious distortion about God and religion. Religion became a substitute to fill deficiency and tool for avoiding pain. It was possible to diagnose religious addiction with general diagnostic criteria since their process, symptom and severity of damage were similar to the general addiction. In the second step, it could be interpreted obsessive religious addiction in psychoanalysis of Frieud and narcissistic religious addiction in Kohut's self-psychology. Religious addiction was fetish classified as narcissistic behavior disorder in the view of Kohut's self-psychology. Religion was a substitute to fill the comfort, sense of fusion and the universal perfect omnipotence that were not obtained from mother. It could be seen a desperate attempt by instinctive needs to fill the elements that were necessary for him to grow. The need for grandiose selfobject and idealized parent imago could not be reflected and then they stopped development with temporary dissolution, weakness or severe distortion. As their ability of emotional process was weakened, they addicted to religious activities or ceremony to activate lethargic themselves or calm down their excitement. The deficiency of the need for mirroring selfobject idealized themself as the Christ of his Second Coming and made them to fine similar religious experiences pursuing religious ecstasy or trance. They were addicted to similar religion with the fusion of God or the Universe. The deficiency of idealized selfobject lead to the addiction since it idealized the objects for obsession and diversion such as worship, offering or the Bible, not God itself. The way to treat from self-psychology is to reflect introverted empathy in three selfobject transference. The explanation and interpretation of transference is an important treatment method to make patients see their problem objectively and understand themselves. On the other hand, impatient interpretation or immature counselor could break the idealized transference followed by regression to religious addiction. In the third step, religious addicts were identified as victims of physical, emotional, spiritual abuse, denial, and injuries from inequality in their childhood. The role of the healing Christian counselor was firstly to provide spiritual nourishment by applying introverted empathy represented as ‘psychological oxygen’ by Kohut. Second, the role is helping them understand their emotion and background of growth and confront the appearance of sin dividing apart from God with love and care. Third, it was the role of helping to mourn for pain, illness, and wound caused by traumatic experience in childhood not avoid. Fourth, it was the role of helping the victim in their side to find the path of forgiveness instead of forgiveness for treatment or normative forgiveness. Fifth, it was the role of helping them make depend on the Holy Spirit to fill fully and heal because empty self structure of religious addicts could not be completely filled with human's effort. To take this treatment role, this study suggested that Christian counselor helps the restoration of religious addicts by asking guidance and help of the Holy Spirit as a wounded healer through the process of mourning and forgiveness for those who have wounds and pain. This study suggested perspective to understand the characteristics of religious addiction by multilateral investigation. And it is meaningful result that the role of Christian counselor to cure religious addiction was suggested by applying Kohut's self-psychology. The case from this study can be used to understand similar cases in religious addiction.
