Zulu의 'Isicathamiya'에 나타난 미의식 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Study of the aesthetics of Zulu 'Isicathamiya' Academic Advisor: Prof, Woo-Chang Lee Kyung Hee University Graduate School, Applied Arts Department Author: Si-hyeon Ahn This thesis studies the aesthetics that is exhibited in Isicathamiya of the Sout...

Study of the aesthetics of Zulu 'Isicathamiya' Academic Advisor: Prof, Woo-Chang Lee Kyung Hee University Graduate School, Applied Arts Department Author: Si-hyeon Ahn This thesis studies the aesthetics that is exhibited in Isicathamiya of the South African Zulus. In an effort to present the research, this first explores the geography of the Republic of South Africa and its fundamental culture. Furthermore, it illuminates the aesthetics inherent in songs and poetry of Isicathamiya throughout the changes in history, and examines the characteristics of the forms of sheet music as well as performance. The spirit of the art of Zulus can be classified into two periods:the preliterate age and the literate ege. The literate age is when the spirit was molded through education after the introduction of Western civilization. On the contrary, the preliterate era is when Zulu folktales, primitive mythological nature worship, or admiration for heroes were prevalent. It places an emphasis on, in the view of seeing the universe and man as a unit, worship to nature as the whole creation and ancestors. In the literate age, due to the Western education, each indigenous tribal language in the Republic of South Africa came to be written in their own characters. This rather led to exacerbated conflict between tribes because of an inability to communicate or reconcile. This also led to the formation of the white supremacy thought via the white-centric education. However, some from the intellectual class realized the importance of understanding the national identity through self-examination and autonomy. So, they were devoted to nationalistic education in order to raise the awareness of tribes' histories. Additionally, by leading a nation-wide movement against racism, they tried to at least live a valued life as a human being by raising consciousness of the national identity as a Black community and recovering their sense of self. Their music that was formed under this circumstance has eventually given birth to the music genre of Isicathamiya. In other words, Isicathamiya music has originated from the aesthetics of Zulu's oral literature prior to the development of writing and is what was created and developed based on this. Since the literature age, as the originality of Isicathamiya music gradually spread worldwide beyond the Republic of South Africa, it received multiple Grammy Awards. Such recognition in turn has allowed the unique aesthetic elements of the Zulu culture to become known in a more detailed way. Hence, through Isicathamiya music, the aesthetics of the Zulu people can be discussed both according to its characteristics in the literature and preliterature ages. Chapter Ⅱ examines the fundamental culture of Zulus in depth by surveying the geography, culture, and society of the Republic of South Africa. Chapter Ⅲ analyzes Isicathamiya musicians from each period in the Isicathamiya history. Chapter Ⅳ analyzes Isicathamiya songs and the performance. It studies the characteristics of the vocal composition, rhythm, chord progression of two Isicathamiya songs by collecting parts of their sheet music. It further sheds light on the characteristics of Isicathamiya music by presenting full scores of the two songs. Next, to discuss the forms of performance, it analyzes the aesthetic sense of the dance and the characteristics of Zulus, such as language, vocal composition and costume by each period. It also gives actual examples of Isicathamiya performance at competitions. Chapter Ⅴ examines the aesthetics of Zulus on the basis of Isicathamiya by first organizing the poetry and lyrics from each period. In doing so, the aesthetics in the beginning of the Christian erais examined from the oral narratiye poetry and folktales that are expressed in the Zulu language during the preliterate age. The oral narrative poetry possesses the aesthetic principle of a panegyrics, 'Izibongo' which was created by the professional royal Imbongi(praise singer) or Imbongi of ordinary people. What the former created includes the grand beauty(the sublime beauty) through praise poetry admiring 'King Shaka' during which the Zulu nation was the most powerful in history. On the other hand, what the latter created includes the aesthetics through ancestor worship as well as view of nature. In prose during the preliterate age, Zulus' aesthetics can be particularly observed in the 'songs〔folk songs〕', in addition to other folktales. The folktales in the beginning of the Zulu history heavily include contain mythic elements, and have the formed the origin of the aesthetics of Zulus. When Isicathamiya first formed, musicians, such as 'Solomon Linda and the Evening Birds' reflected the aesthetics of nature in their songs. Also, through songs with strongly religious and ethnic features, they displayed the creative aesthetic sense as a main agent to seek the logic of fluidity, as assimilated with the order of the universe. During the growth of Isicathamiya music, musicians, such as Ladysmith Black Mambazo that introduced Isicathamiya to the world, developed the aesthetics embodying the sporit of resistance and tried to introduce theit own culture worldwide. It is not too much to say that music and performance are inseparablein Isicathamiya. In addition to the contents and styles of the music, the performance also extemporaneously expresses the following:unique voice and dance of Zulus, traditional dresses, choirs consisting mainly of male members, the scale of the performance and the movement on a stage. Accordingly, the diverse characteristics of per formance reflect Zulus' unique aesthetic sense. Therefore, it can be said that Isicathamiya is a genre of musical art whose music and performance have inherited a tradition in the preliterate age and further developed them into a new style based on a Western form. Key words:South African Zulu, Isicathamiya, characteristics of the forms of music, performance, aesthetics of Zulus
