이데인적 추상성을 표현한 도자조형연구 : 한국 춤 이미지를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Ceramic art by earth and fire presents another genre being newly extended by diversified technical convergence and combination. Center of this change starts from future-oriented formative consciousness sharing a legacy with change of humanities, socia...

Ceramic art by earth and fire presents another genre being newly extended by diversified technical convergence and combination. Center of this change starts from future-oriented formative consciousness sharing a legacy with change of humanities, social science and art philosophy together with technical convergence. Under this background, in this study, in order to explore what kind of intrinsic, extrinsic characteristics the work of researcher trying to express human inner consciousness as ceramic sculpture has, thought and philosophy of idea were considered and the works of its relevant preceding artists were analyzed. Recently, in academic circle and relevant field of ceramic sculpture, a lot of researches and efforts are exerted by recognizing an importance of ceramic sculpture in a perspective of art philosophy. In line with this trend, in this study, as a result of considering relevance of idea asserted by Plato with ceramic art, it was revealed that a concept of 'idea' implies a meaning of 'see', 'know' as shown on its word origin involving a concept of idea and eidos. Meaning of existence and non-existence of eidos and idea that are very important concept in Plato philosophy is recognized as just existence and non-existence that are nothing to do with 'something present' or 'something not present'. However, idea in a realistic terms means eternal, transcendent reality as a prototype of realistic object and eidos was identical with idea in terms of the fact that it was derived from idein (see, know) but it was considered to have a meaning of shape as 'something to be seen'. Therefore, as a result of theoretical consideration of this study, a concept of idein that is derived suffix of idea and eidos is resultantly formed as harmony and consilience and idea of transcendent reality means human inner consciousness and eidos that means shape could be analyzed as expressed form of human consciousness being represented extrinsically. Under the flow of social, cultural transformation called personalization, humans are hard to expose its emotion but want endless communication with general public instinctively. Therefore, in this study, by dividing idein of consilience into idea and eidos and substituting an image of 'resentment', 'excitement' and 'gusto' (dance motion) into human inner consciousness, abstract expression imagery of ceramic sculpture was researched and analyzed. In an area of contemporary ceramics in 20c, a new opportunity of establishing artistic value through inter-genre crossover and technical convergence beyond limitation of ceramic sculpture is provided by it being engaged with rapidly changing socio-cultural situation. As a result of considering a coincided concept in possible element of abstract expression being represented in essential thought of idea and Korean dance image, it was analyzed that 'resentment' contained in Korean dance was non-visual and eidos being compared as intrinsic idea and extrinsic element is compared with visual element of being expressed as 'excitement'. In addition, it was combined with 'idein' element being represented as gusto of harmony in case of harmonizing with consilience through communication, sharing. As a result of analyzing artistic expression style being represented in preceding artists selected as research target, a concept of idein called harmony and consilience was expressed through an image obtained from harmonious formative work of idea and eidos. Artist Lee, Eung-Ro expressed solid sculptural work as communication with the world, meeting and harmony tangibly, not intangibly. Artist Won, Bok-Ja expressed idein concept of 'property of earth' as a shape of harmony and consilience of 'idea' and 'eidos' having intrinsic existence based on ceramic clay reviving natural beauty. In addition, as idea contains a meaning of a cause as an immortal existence, times of social confusion was expressed as intrinsic angor like 'Guernica of Picasso'. And Weyne Higby who pursued meditation as the best virtue expressed internal imagery as extrinsic 'eidos' spatial image by embodying it through natural landscape. Works of the researcher being expressed as a plate, not 3D sculpture expressed internal, external elements of eidos and idein as eternal and transcendent reality for a realistic object called existence and non-existence involved in an idea thought of Plato that is an artistic philosophy concept considered in this study and internal imagery for harmony and consilience. Essence of earth was intended to be revived and art aesthetic to be addressed in a perspective of crossover and convergence without boundary between art and ceramic art. As starting point of theoretical background for substituting Korean dance image into ceramic sculpture, a new sculpture was researched and analyzed based on idea thought of Plato and moderation of Oriental, Western mental world. In 2D ceramic sculpture also, as a work of expressing space image, internal imagery based on harmony between playful dance image and spatial background, idea of aesthetic sculpture was pursued by drawing skill of rhythmic composition by giving variety with color engobe and colored glaze. When an act of expressing internal soul by improvisation and contingency is expressed by abstract ceramic sculpture, the researcher judges it as a mental value of an artist. As sculptural work of this Korean dance image could be made as communication venue of addressing Korean culture to the world, its significance is to provide artistic value by endlessly researching on diversified ceramic sculpture forms.
