심미적 통합환경을 지향하는 도시 공공친화 공간 형성방안에 대한 연구 (3)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Public space is formed by many people gathering together and living there. With rapid urbanization, massive capital can change such public space into one that is overly focused on functions or one that is excessively commercial, undermining its role and function as a public space. This has made public spaces a harsh and cold place. This has disrupted communication between people, undermined unqueness, dehumanized societies and undermined values, leading to many social issues. But mankind cannot live unassociated with cities. Within cities, there needs to be public space that offers pleasant and comfortable living and where humanity can be recovered. As such, the concept of intimacy must be adopted to public space to create a new concept of public intimacy. That is, although intimacy started from interpersonal relationships, it also helps create a publicly intimate space based on interaction among people and smooth communication, making urban life more pleasant. As art becomes a part of daily life and convergence in different media of art occurs, the changes have been applied to urban space, too, creating a new urban culture. Space design is an activity of creating forms where communication is carried out by using cultural space in the city as a medium. In this sense, the space designer must recognize the times, discover new things and take on an experimental attitude and willingness to create form when generating an art environment. This discourse is thus important in those terms. The purpose of this study is to analyze the fact that the role of public space, given its role as a mediating space, needs to return to its essence, to define the concept and characteristics of an aesthetically converged environment of public intimacy in public space, complement inferior space and to create an aesthetically converged space with art. The study seeks to present a method of creating a public space with public intimacy where mankind and space can increase communication and the aesthetic and function can come together to play a social role. Moreover, public space will revitalize regional culture to connect art environment with culture so that it can become a mediating space for the urban environment. The following methodologies were used in this study. First, literary review was used to review public space, public intimacy space and communities. By reviewing the new approach to urban design based on an understanding of the correlation between the urban environment and space culture, the method in which the aesthetically converged environment should be expanded was reviewed. Second, based on the above theoretical review, the perspectives on the art environment changes based on the installation patterns of contemporary art was reviewed and how such perspectives viewed the interaction between art and changes in art environment. Through the evolution in perspective of re-interpreting art and dissolving the existing framework of contemporary art, the image of aesthetically converged environment was defined. Moreover, the aesthetic envrionment that converges the social functions of art and the improved community environment were also reviewed. Third, by setting the criteria and scope for selecting cases needed for analysis, an analysis framework was defined and an aesthetically converged environment’s image was analyzed. The analysis results were then used to draft a matrix. Through a comprehensive matrix, the direction for aesthetically converged environmental image was presented. Fourth, based on the comprehensive results as above, the concept and characteristcs of the aesthetically converged environment of public intimacy space were presented and a method to form an aesthetically converged environment was presented. The conclusions reached by this study are as follows. First, based on the installation patterns in contemporary art, the changes in art environment due to the interaction of art environment were categorized into persepctive on the site, perspective on the media and perspective on the discourse. Through the evolution of perspectives in accordance with changes in the art environment, the aesthetically converged environment correlated with the characteristics of the space is linked with image of the place, image of the media and image of the performance. Second, the cases of aesthetically converged environment images were analyzed. In the image of place, artworks were formed and integrated deeply in life through the selection of place. In the image of media, there was a tendency to deliver a situation that can occur, rather than deliver meaning of an object itself. In performance image, performance as an event was used intentionally to bring the audience into the work. Third, based on the case analyses, the environment as converged art uses various media and formation methods to respond to the new visual environment by using a systematic relationship that has networks between various fields. The characteristics of the aesthetically converged environment can have the aspects of place, media and performance. Fourth,the correlation between space images of individual characteristics show that the image characteristics that had the most effect on space image were in descending order, performance, media and place. The characteristics of an aesthetically converged environment sees interaction which is expressed as one flow. The performance between the user and space is amplified the most as one of the most important flow and serves as a catalyst that brings rapid approach and participation. In this process, the aspects of place and media are added to create an aesthetically converged environment and public intimacy space is created. Fifth, a review of the methods of forming an aesthetically converged environment showed that it is formed through the stages of inspection, development and planning. The space that combines the aspects of place, media and performance is a result of three dimensional or four dimensional assemblage that brings together these aspects with human behavior. It is a combination of the concept and idea that the designer selected and presented. Sixth, an image strategy through formative factors can be categorized into place image strategy as part of an environmental object, media image strategy as a transformation of technological media and a performance image strategy as an extension of the human body. Seventh, to revitalize the region as a community mediating space, community design as a communication tool must think more about art and space, art and architecture, or art and life rather than pure aesthetics. The citizens should take ownership in planning the place from a comprehensive view that brings in the environment, life, nature, architecture, art, history and culture. Therefore, a partnership where the citizens can take a leading role must be established. Based on the above findings, the following conclusions can be drawn. First, public space is a forum for civic activity and a public intimacy space. It uses community as a medium to play the role of catalyst in urban life. As a public intimacy space that creates the city’s image, it improves the community environment and an organic relationship between mankind and the environment through aesthetically converged environment images. Second, aesthetically converged environment images (image of place, image of media, image of performance) can be used as methodologies to efficiently deliver the concept of public intimacy space. It can also set a common goal for a region to create a place that limits the image and activities of the space, setting itself apart from other regions. Third, the converged environment image characterstics were ranked in terms of importance, performance followed by media and place. Performance refers to the process of interaction between art and mankind. Through participation, energy is amplified which serves as a catalyst. When long hard thoughts are given to what the times calls for and society communicates on this, residents can voluntarily participate. Participatory activities in a space can serve as a catalyst for the space image and help create an aesthetically converged environment that gives citizens happiness. Fourth, through resident participation, humanity is restored and objective reciprocity as long as subjective sense of belonging must co-exist to create a community. The concept of aesthetically converged environment must be set with the residents in the center. Only when a public intimacy space is created where everyone loves the aesthetically converged environment images can residents can voluntarily manage public space and take the lead to revitalize regional culture. Fifth, the space designer that designs the area of public intimacy space must put the central axis on architecture and art in cities to strike the right balance and serve as a mediating role. That is, aesthetic functions are added to massive objects and structures while to artistic fields functional aspects are added to bring aesthetic value to society where function, art and communication reach a balance. This study was conducted to seek measrues of creating a public intimacy space as a communication space in the urban environment to aspire to an aesthetically converged environment in cities. This study showed that the performance between the user and space is amplified as the most important trend and serves as a catalyst that brings about drastic approach and participation. Resident participation due to this plays the role of catalist in each space image and is very important in creating an aesthetically converged environment. This researcher hopes that there will be more studies on public intimacy space where residents will take the lead to manage public space and converge art into living environments. Follow-up studies are expected to bring more depth and breadth to the study on this area.
