장애정체감 형성과정에 관한 생애사 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study aims to explore the personal and social contexts related to disability identity formation by focus on the experiences of people living with disability which affect disability identity formation and to understand more clearly the formation p...

This study aims to explore the personal and social contexts related to disability identity formation by focus on the experiences of people living with disability which affect disability identity formation and to understand more clearly the formation process of disability identity by analyzing the process in the identified individual and social contexts. The main research question of the study is “How is disability identity formed?” To answer the research question, the study selected six people with severe physical disabilities in their 40s or more, using the purposive sampling method. In collecting data, Schütze's “Narrative Interview Method” was employed and, in analyzing data, Schütze's “Four Steps Analysis Procedure” and “Process Structure of Life Course” were used. The results of the analysis show that the formation process of disability identity was not one of special models, but emerged in each model by “realization of autonomous worth”, “realization of group worth”, and “realization of cultural worth”. First, it was seen that the disability identity formation mediated by the realization of autonomous worth went through four lifelong phases: (1) a phase in which the people living with disability were oppressed and devalued by the power of the others, (2) a phase in which they recognized self-worth and rights, (3) a phase in which they experienced conflicts between relationships and rights, and (4) a phase in which they became confident and enjoyed autonomous life. Second, it was seen that the disability identity formation mediated by the realization of group worth developed through three phases: (1) a phase in which the people living with disability denied damage and were resigned to reality, (2) a phase in which they had a sense of belonging and insisted on citizenship, and (3) a phase in which they respected worth as a human being. Third, the results show that the disability identity formation by the realization of cultural worth developed through four phases: (1) a phase in which the people living with disability denied damage, (2) a phase in which they accepted their own disability by the support, (3) a phase in which they shared and interacted with disability culture, and (4) a phase in which they succeeded and further developed disability culture. These findings were the result of identifying the attributes in the various models that disability identity can not be integrated into one model because people living with disability have lived different life course. It means there is possibility of sufficient existence of another forms of disability identity formation. During the period of development of disability identity, the following characteristics were observed; in the personal context, the disability pride and the sense of achievement and the internal stability; and in the social context, the personal worth, the perception of discrimination and the assertion of individual civil right, the common cause, and the disability culture and the social participation, the work and the independent living, and the social support. On the other hand, in the formed time of oppressive disability identity, the following characteristics were observed; in the personal context, distorted recognition about disability, the sense of withdrawal and shame; and in the social context, the social stigma and discrimination, oppressive control from the others, loss of development task and role, lack of necessary social support etc. However, the meanings of these factors for affecting the formation process of disability identity was not clearly distinguished from personal or social contexts, but they could be understood as a comprehensive experience of personal and social contexts. In other words, the identity of disability was a self-image integrated into social attributes of disability, an interaction of interpersonal relationship in the changed social situations and roles after having disability, and a reconstruction through a self-awareness based on disability. This indicates that no element related to formation of disability identity could be expressed or understood meaningfully in only one context. This study has the following unique meaning. This study suggests that the formation process of disability identity has the potential to develop various forms as well, and which have been overlooked in previous studies, 'participation of disability culture' is one of the medicating factors. This is also the first Korean study to understand the formation process of disability identity by analyzing the life history for people living with disability who have experienced their life course of over middle-aged in Korean society. Keywords: Disability identity, Formation process of disability identity, Life history research, Process structure of life course
