한국과 중국 게임 속 요괴 캐릭터의 조형 분석 및 디자인에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

As American and Japanese films, cartoons, games and their derivative products pour in Korea and China, physiological “monster love” has been formed in teenagers’ minds and even in those of wider groups. In the context of today’s popular cultur...

As American and Japanese films, cartoons, games and their derivative products pour in Korea and China, physiological “monster love” has been formed in teenagers’ minds and even in those of wider groups. In the context of today’s popular culture, the roles of monsters have already become friends of the masses and players who can play with them.
In games, compared with images of human and animals, those of monsters appear different and interesting. Just because of the unique appearance of monster images in games and people’s curiosity about unknown things, players can break away from the ordinary daily life and be led into the imaginary space to explore the new world in games. Through the communication with nonexistent monster roles, players experience happiness and the feeling of freshness.
Monster roles in games are aiming for serving game contents, whose design focuses on increasing players’ interest. In the increasingly expanding game industry, the present and future goals of monster roles are to make players experience more wonderful world, and be more and more devoted in games. Designing reliable, lively and diversified monster role images will become a more and more important subject. Meanwhile, with the development of game industry, plentiful games have been developed and methods and means to realize game differentiation are also being sought for. Researchers think that during the design of differentiated roles especially the appearance design, differentiation becomes extremely remarkable. The appearance research of monster roles has become an important part embodying differentiated role design.
At the beginning of the body part of the thesis, there is an analysis of traditional monster images in Chinese monster novel-Shan Hai Jing, taking the modeling principle of traditional monster roles as the theoretical basis of the thesis; then it is the analysis of the classification of monster roles in modern games and the modeling features of the roles; at last, there are three modeling methods of monster roles in games being explored and put forward, which are “deconstruction”, “addition & subtraction” and “grafting”.
Research means: Through experiencing, organizing and concluding hundreds of monster roles in Korean and Chinese games, a specific chart contrast analysis of basic and specific modeling methods, relevant pictures of modeling design and attributes related to modeling of 30 representatives in four games of Blade and Soul, Dragon Nest, Asura and Fantasy Westward Journey is carried out.
The thesis through a selective analysis of the modeling features and three modeling methods of monster roles in games puts forward the design practice of utilizing the methods of “matrix” and “splicing and combination”. Therefore, when games’ role designers are designing monster roles, they need to fully comprehend structures of creature; be good at analyzing the designed monster roles’ settings of role stories, living environments, characteristics and role attributives and so on; try to use all kinds of modeling means to manifest. It is expected that there may be more excellent monster roles being designed in games.
