Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) is defined as "individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organiza...
Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) is defined as "individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization" (Organ, Podsakoff & MacKenzie, 2006).
Specifically, OCBs include instances in which employees go above and beyond the call of duty by helping out their colleagues and supervisors, tolerating impositions at work, defending the organization when others criticize it, and volunteering to take on special assignments.
Since their introduction in 1983, OCBs have been the focus of considerable research attention. Generally speaking, research on OCBs has tended to emphasize their positive aspects(Bolino, Turnley & Niehoff, 2004), and undeniably, OCBs are beneficial in many respects.
OCBs are associated with a variety of positive consequences as well(Podsakoff et al., 2009). At the organizational level, OCBs are positively related to a number of indicators of success, including productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Moreover, employees who exhibit OCBs tend to receive higher performance ratings and rewards from their supervisors, to have fewer absences, and to be less likely to quit their jobs. In short, the idea that OCBs are associated with a number of desirable antecedents and consequences is backed by nearly 30 years of research.
In recent years, though a small but growing body of research has challenged the idea that OCBs are unambiguously positive(Bergeron, 2007; Bolino, 1999; Bolino et al., 2004; Bolino & Turnley, 2005; Halbesleben, Harvey, & Bolino, 2009; Munyon, Hochwarter, Perrewe, & Ferris, 2010).
Specifically, they noted that while OCBs appear to be prosocial on the surface, they also may be self-serving and driven by instrumental and impression-management motives. Since that time, organizational researchers have responded by examining citizenship behaviors from a political perspective in a number of conceptual and empirical s.
This seeks to provide an overview and enhanced understanding of this work.
First, the key s are identified and discussed, starting with Fandt and Ferris(1990), which provides the foundation for much of the research investigating the political aspects of OCBs. In doing so, the interest is in describing the origins of this perspective and in providing a sense for how this line of work has developed.
Second, a number of s that have viewed citizenship using a political lens are reviewed. In particular, studies are reviewed that have focused on identifying and understanding political, instrumental, and impression-management motives of OCBs. Also, research is reviewed that has sought to better understand the attributions that observers make about employees' motives for engaging in OCBs.
Third, recommendations are made to researchers who want to better understand OCBs, particularly their political aspects, and some directions for future research in this area are oulined.
The empirical data has been treated for the data from June to July 2015 which is based on a survey of 41 companies and total of 1139 samples were evaluated and systematically included in the SPSS 22.0 package program.
The present study obtained the following results.
This study examined the influence of three motives for OCBs by Rioux and Penner developed and refined the Citizenship Motives Scale(CMS).
First, Prosocial values motive, which focuses on employee desires to help and build relationships with others.
Second, Organizational concern motive, which focuses on employee feelings of attachment and commitment to the organization.
Third, Impression management motive, which in this study focused mainly on employee attempts to avoid looking bad.
This study found that prosocial values motive and organizational concern motives were more strongly related to OCBs than impression management motives. Moreover, impression management motives might explain incremental variance in OCBs when other motives were considered.
The OCBs linkage was verified. The individuals who perceive organizational politics were found to have less OCBs. it has been proven that employees’ perception of organizational politics is an important factor in determining OCBs.
In other words, all kinds of perception of organizational politics had a negative effect on OCBs. It has been proven that perception of organizational politics performed moderating roles in the relationship between motives and OCBs.
These results lead to the conclusion that the employees has to construct an organizational atmosphere to reduce political organizations in order to achieve improved management outcomes. A high OCBs through trust and confidence with supervisors will occur and this suggests that effort is needed more than anything else.
On the other hand, political skill was positively and negatively related to OCBs. Regarding the sub-elements, networking ability and social astuteness have been found to affect OCBs positively.
In contrast, apparent sincerity and interpersonal influence have been found to take negative effect on OCBs. It has been proven that political skill performed moderating roles in the relationship between motives and OCBs.
Considering the importance of OCBs on organizational effectiveness and performance, managers need to recognize the existence and effect of organizational politics.
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