Richard Rorty 철학에 근거한 영화의 교육적 활용가능성 탐색 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study was to review feasibility of educational application of edification, an literary criticism and ethnocentrism in the film based on the philosophy of Richard Rorty. According to the purpose of research, the following specific c...

The purpose of this study was to review feasibility of educational application of edification, an literary criticism and ethnocentrism in the film based on the philosophy of Richard Rorty. According to the purpose of research, the following specific contents were analyzed.
First, I examined the overall concept of the enlightenment philosophy of Richard Rorty and discussed the meaning of literary criticism and ethnocentrism.
Second, the concept of a conversation in the movie 「Scent of A Woman」 was applied, and the availability of educational application of edification was analyzed.
Third, I applied literary criticism of 「The Dead Poet's Society」 and examined the availability of educational application of ironist activities.
Fourth, I applied ethnocentrism of the movie 「Equilibrium」 in association with human emotions and analyzed educational application of the concept of liberal society and solidarity.
Fifth, I reviewed the educational application of films following the literary culture, the possibility of utilizing films for educational purpose, educational application of edification and the needs of shift in educational paradigms in order to discuss the feasibility of educational application of films based on the philosophy of Richard Rorty.
As a result of discussion on 「Scent of A Woman」, 「The Dead Poet's Society」, 「Equilibrium」 based on the philosophy of Richard Rorty, I found that conversation of edification discussed in the movie 「Scent of A Woman」 is effective in leading students' self-directed learning as well as developing their creativity and personality. Education is activities of constantly observing, listening and questioning for smooth process of dialogue between education subjects. It is necessary to apply and make use of Richard Rorty's educational conversation in a classroom so that learners can show creative attitude in order to abandon the passive stance regarding knowledge and create re-statement.
As a result of discussion on the movie 「The Dead Poet's Society」, I found that the purpose of education through literary activities is to raise ironists who realize self-creation. A successful human whom the current education system aims at is a such person who is raised through systematic exploration education and meets the objectives of result-oriented education. But, the task which the education system should perform to foster a self-creative human being is to provide students with constant motivation.
Ethnocentrism which is reviewed in the movie 「Equilibrium」 can induce students' creativity in a classroom based on the solidarity of free individuals and lead to participation in education activities through experiential learning activities. Teachers' important role is to encourage and lead students to practice their ideas while watching them actively participating in education activities.
Richard Rorty emphasizes that we could advance to a liberal democratic society when we deny the truth which we have followed so far. This allows a new reflection on human and literary criticism which enables individuals to exert their creativity. If we can suggest new educational objectives, content and process based on the Richard Rorty's philosophical perspective, they would be fully applied for the purpose of our education. Therefore, Richard Rorty's philosophy emphasizes the need for a shift in our education paradigms.
