1992년 한중수교와 鄧小平‘ 南巡講話’의 영향 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of the study is trying to explain the North Policy of Korea from 1988. In the Olympic Game of 1988, the Asian Games in Beijin of 1990, and the United Nations together in 1991, the North Korea and South Korea are all joined in together. In ...

The purpose of the study is trying to explain the North Policy of Korea from 1988. In the Olympic Game of 1988, the Asian Games in Beijin of 1990, and the United Nations together in 1991, the North Korea and South Korea are all joined in together. In these background, the Chinese scholars analyzed the reason of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Korea, and the influence of the relationship between two counties since the inspection speech in south China made by Deng Xiaoping in 1992. After the inspection speech in south China made by Deng Xiaoping in 1992, the reform and opening-up of China is embarking on a new stage. Also, this year is the watershed of Chinese reforming process. From January 18 of 1992, Deng Xiaoping made speech during inspection Wuchang, Shenzheng, Zhuhai and Shanghai. In this speech, he emphasized the necessary and importance of restarting the reform and opening-up. In this , we agree the important role of the redistribution by socialist market economy, the improvement of China’s trade regime and investment system. At the same time, the external factors are analyzed also. The four rising powers of Asia is target of Chinese economy development. Importantly, the government advocates the Chinese study the Korea 70 capitalist spiritual civilization, which is important background for the communications between two countries. In the inspection speech in south China made by Deng Xiaoping, the structure changes of state-owned industries, trade regimes changes and strengthen the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone are emphasized. Importantly, he emphasized the relationship between Korea, and aspire the common and special interests with Korea. Therefore, we can speculate the far-reaching effects of this speech. During 1980s, present Taiyu Lu passed six principles to promote the development of Korean nationality community, and try to improve the relationship between socialist states. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the strategy distribution of eastern Asian have changed, and accelerated the carrying out of North Policy. Therefore, China gradually changed the policy between Korea. In 1990s, Deng Xiaoping emphasized the key choice of the reform and opening-up, which is important for building a Chinese-style socialism and the great revived historical mission. We need a firm grasp the reform and opening-up. Therefore, the Chinese government focus on the independent, anti-hegemonism and all-direction diplomacy. The Chinese government emphasize keeping and developing good relationship, and establish diplomatic relations with Korea, and solve the boundary questions between neighboring countries. Carrying domestic reforming, we carried forward the socialist market economy. Carrying opening policy, we insist on peace international relationship. In the beginning of 1990s, we try to set up the Special Economic Zones, and Shenzheng, Zhuhai Zones were set up. Consequently, we performed the changes of state-owned industry, and attracted large amount of capital, skills and valuable managerial experience from abroad, which harvested large amount of results in different domain.

本论文的目的是在1988年韩国“北方政策”,1988年奥林匹克,1990年北京亚 洲竞技大会,以及1991年南北韩同时加入联合国等很多国际背景...

本论文的目的是在1988年韩国“北方政策”,1988年奥林匹克,1990年北京亚 洲竞技大会,韩语论文网站,以及1991年南北韩同时加入联合国等很多国际背景下,韩语论文,以中国学者的 角度略论中国和韩国的建交原因,特别是研究略论1992年1月邓小平“南巡讲话” 对于中韩两国建交的影响。 19世纪80年代韩国对中国的外交政策上,卢泰愚总统宣布了促进南北间民族共同 体发展的六项原则,同时表明了改善与社会主义国家关系的意向。苏联的解体加之 冷战的结束,不仅改变了东亚的战略布局,也加快了韩国“北方政策”的实施步 伐。因此中国也慢慢改变了对韩国的外交政策。1990年代邓小平再次强调改革开放 是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,发展中国特色的社会主义,实现中华伟大复兴的 必经之路。我们要毫不动摇地坚持改革开放。对此,1990年代中国把对外政策的重 心放在独立自主,反霸权主义,及全方位外交等政策的调整上。维持和发展善邻关 系,与韩国在内的未建交的国家建立外交关系,积极促进与邻国间国境等问题的友 好解决政策。对内改革,积极推进社会主义市场经济;对外开放,主张国际关系和 平的社会主义。1990年代初期,在沿海设立经济特区,深圳、珠海等经济特区的设 立,不仅改变了国有企业的结构发展了社会主义经济还引进了海外资金,技术和管 理的经验,在各个领域收获了不小成果。 1992年邓小平的南巡讲话发布中国改革进入新阶段,1992年也被人们称为中国30 72 年改革进程标志性的分水岭。1992年1月18日起邓小平在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海 等地视察讲话,强调中止的改革开放政策重新开始实施的必要性和重要性。通过 1992年的南巡讲话,本论文认同国内社会主义市场经济的再分配,贸易制度的改 善,投资制度等结构变化的观点,同时也对外在因素的影响进行略论阐述。“亚洲 四小龙”不仅使国内经济发展设立追赶目标,也提倡国民学习韩国资本主义制度的 精神文明建设,为中韩两国的经济文化等交流铺垫基础。邓小平的南巡讲话改变了 国有企业结构,贸易制度,以及强化深圳经济特区在内的广东省经济建设的同时, 对外与韩国在追求共同利益及特殊利益的体现过程中,我们都不难看出对日后中韩 建交的影响之深远。
