국가농어업유산의 지속가능한 보전에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The agricultural and fishery heritage has been a base of our people’s history and has developed and changed through a historical and cultural process. By adapting to the natural environment it has given humans a system of knowledge and traditional s...

The agricultural and fishery heritage has been a base of our people’s history and has developed and changed through a historical and cultural process. By adapting to the natural environment it has given humans a system of knowledge and traditional skills for agricultural and fishery activity and developing an inherent landscape leaving a tangible and intangible heritage. The farming area not only provides a supply of food, but also provides the preservation of the natural environment, the development and cultivation of water resources, prevention of soil loss and floods, the conservation of the ecosystem and traditional culture of the rural society. However, the cultural life is becoming a dying trend and to counteract this measure recognized globally in 2002 by the FAO that ‘Remarkable land use systems and landscapes which are rich in globally significant biological diversity evolving from the co-adaptation of a community with its environment and its needs and aspirations for sustainable development' which was called Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System(GIAHS), and also is not simply a natural environment but is also about enduring, passing down, and preserving the agricultural and fishery heritage in which the goal was to institute that agriculture was about enduring and preserving. In other words, GIAHS can also be seen for maintaining a supply of food and a means for living, variety of living things and biology, traditional farming skills, succession of knowledge, the social system and cultural habits, land usage and water resources, in which it handled the biology preservation and security of food during the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In this international flow, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in 2012 conserved the disappearing agricultural and fishery heritage and vitalized the farming business into a tourist attraction and handled the National Agricultural and Fishery Heritage System named as 'Korean's Important Agricultural/ Fishery Heritage'. This system was operated due to envisioning the conservation of the tangible and intangible agricultural and fishery culture and systematic maintenance of transmission and preserving values. In March 2013, due to the re-establishment of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the 2015 fishery heritage was managed separately and in 2016, 6 agricultural heritages, 3 fishery heritages, and 2 FAO GIAHS sites were designated. Korean's Important Agricultural/ Fishery Heritage follow the GIAHS which consists of components such as biological system, land and water resources and maintenance systems, the knowledge and skill systems of the community, cultural systems, and each agricultural and fishery landscape. Because of this, after all the Korean's Important Agricultural/ Fishery Heritage have been designated, all heritages try to be registered under GIAHS to propel their goals forward. Since 2012, the dual plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries have been started, there needs a be an implementation whether those goals are met in the current time and whether they are headed in the right direction as well as check the problems that might steer in different directions. Based on the study below the systems and structural management can be analyzed and problems were able to be deduced. First, looking at the systematic perspective, the cooperation of the current interdepartmental dual plan is lacking. Second, the concept of the system and the designation criteria are vague. Third, problems can be seen in the dormant regions. Meanwhile, the structural management perspective lacks an alternative to the sustainable agricultural and fishing inheritance. Second, after designation, monitoring and assessing absences and maintenance indexes are urgent. Third, the GIAHS registration must have effort differentiation. The perspective on the direction of these problems require rules that steer in the right and accurate direction, as well as recommendations needed for the interdepartmental connections of establishing 'Potential Sites Systems'. In addition, in terms of the structural management perspective recommended improvements for the preservation of agricultural and fishing inheritance including the sustainable preservation and establishment of fulfilling application plans, and monitoring and assessment of the system. Following the study of related heritage system of USCO, OECD, FAO, EC, and China as a background for the establishment of Korean's Important Agricultural/ Fishery Heritage, it showed the current aspects of management seeks developing directions that improve and advance the agricultural and fishery heritage of preservation, maintenance, and usage and also the harmony of biology in the agricultural and fishery heritage systems.
