
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
中国与韩国自1992年建交以来,两国关系获得了迅猛的成长。跟着中韩两国在经济、文明等各范畴的深刻交换,各高校陆续开设了本身的韩国语相干专业,随即敏捷展开了在线韩语教授教养方面的研究和摸索。“韩语语音”是吉林播送电视年夜学商务韩语系的?课程,该课程在经由过程进修有关韩语发音的演示解释和例句等真实说话资料,懂得韩语字母和韩语发音的办法,使先生养成准确的发音习气,控制准确的发音办法。本体系采取的开辟对象是Dreamweaver/ASP/Access。Dreamweaver是树立Web站点和应用法式的专业对象,运用它疾速创立界面及站点的应用法式。ASP由于语法简略并且功效壮大,同时能与Windows的操作体系无缝联合,获得宽大用户迎接并敏捷成为各类网站制造的主流开辟情况。运用Access不必编写任何代码,只需经由过程直不雅的可视化操作便可以完成年夜部门数据库治理义务,是一个面向对象的、采取事宜驱念头制的关系型数据库治理体系。除此以外,为了更细腻的制造图片、动画和声响文件,还采取了图像处置软件Adobe Photoshop CS2、声响录制软件Adobe Audition 1.5、动画制造软件MacroMedia Flash Professional 8和人物外型软件Poser6.0。本课程共分四个模块,分离为:(1)用户登录模块,完成分歧用户的登录。(2)课程内容模块,依据韩语语音的分类停止讲授,包含元音、子音和收音,具有动画演示功效,采取了发音口型动画和单词朗诵动画。(3)模仿测试模块,可以测试客不雅题。(4)教员治理模块,为教员供给常识点治理、试题库治理和小我信息治理的功效。体系经测试和试运转后根本到达设计请求,体系的课程展现、模仿测试和教员治理功效,将为先生的进修和教员治理带来极年夜的便利。


China and South Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, bilateral relations have gained rapid growth. Along with China and South Korea in the economic, cultural and other areas of profound exchange, all colleges and universities have opened their coherent Korean professional, immediately launched the agile online Korean teaching research and exploration. "Korean speech" is Jilin radio and TV University Business Korean professional courses in the course? Through the process of learning about the presentation and interpretation of Korean pronunciation and other real speech data, understand the Korean alphabet and Korean pronunciation way, to enable students to develop accurate pronunciation habits, accurate pronunciation control measures. The system to take the open object is Dreamweaver/ASP/Access. Dreamweaver is to establish the Web site and the use of French professional object, application it quickly created the interface and the use of the site. ASP due to the simple syntax and the effect of growth, and the operating system of Windows seamless joint, access to the large users and agile to become the mainstream of all kinds of Web site manufacturing. Application Access does not have to write any code, simply through the process of direct visualization of the operation can complete the database management of the major departments, is an object-oriented, to take the idea of the relationship between the system of database management system. In addition, in order to make a more detailed picture of the production, animation and sound files, but also to take the image processing software Photoshop CS2 Adobe, sound recording software Audition Adobe 1.5, Flash Professional MacroMedia 8 and Poser6.0. This course is divided into four parts: (1) the user login module, the user login. (2) the course content module, according to the classification of teaching Korean speech, including vowels, consonants and radio, animation has taken effect, pronunciation and word reading lip animation animation. (3) imitate the test module, you can test the guest. (4) the teacher management module, for the teacher to provide common sense point of governance, the question bank management and personal information management. System after the test and test run after the design request, the system shows, imitate the test and faculty governance effectiveness, will be a very big convenience for the students learning and teacher management.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 绪论 9-12 1.1 系统目标和范围 9-10 1.1.1 项目名称 9 1.1.2 项目背景 9-10 1.1.3 项目目标 10 1.1.4 项目范围 10 1.2 技术可行性略论 10-11 1.2.1 知识点内容的组织与保存 10 1.2.2 测试题目与试卷的组织与保存 10-11 1.2.3 发音气流图动画 11 1.3 本文工作 11-12 第2章 运用技术概述 12-19 2.1 图象处理软件ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS2 12-13 2.1.1 软件介绍 12-13 2.1.2 开发用途 13 2.2 声音录制软件ADOBE AUDITION 1.5 13-15 2.2.1 软件介绍 13-14 2.2.2 开发用途 14-15 2.3 动画制作软件MACROMEDIA FLASH PROFESSIONAL 8 15-16 2.3.1 软件介绍 15 2.3.2 开发用途 15-16 2.4 网站开发软件MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER 8 16-17 2.4.1 软件介绍 16-17 2.4.2 开发用途 17 2.5 数据库管理系统MICROSOFT ACCESS2003 17-18 2.5.1 软件介绍 17 2.5.2 开发用途 17-18 2.6 人物造型软件POSER6.0 18-19 2.6.1 软件介绍 18 2.6.2 开发用途 18-19 第3章 课程结构设计 19-32 3.1 系统总体设计 19-20 3.2 数据库结构设计 20-28 3.2.1 用户功能表 21-22 3.2.2 知识点表逻辑结构 22-24 3.2.3 题目表结构 24 3.2.4 试卷表结构 24-25 3.2.5 发音气流图的参数设计 25-28 3.3 界面设计 28-32 3.3.1 主界面设计 28-29 3.3.2 课程界面 29 3.3.3 知识点界面 29-31 3.3.4 测试界面 31 3.3.5 教师系统界面 31-32 第4章 系统实现 32-44 4.1 文件组织结构 32-34 4.1.1 根目录下文件及文件夹 32 4.1.2 TeacherModel教师模块 32-33 4.1.3 CreatPaper组卷和生成试卷模块 33 4.1.4 QuestionWrite试题管理模块 33-34 4.1.5 StuModel学生模块 34 4.1.6 AdminModel管理员模块 34 4.2 知识点显示系统 34-38 4.2.1 创建记录集 35 4.2.2 获取前后知识点 35-36 4.2.3 显示前后知识点及目前标题 36-37 4.2.4 显示发音气流图与例词 37-38 4.3 发音气流图设计 38-44 4.3.1 读取网页参数 38-40 4.3.2 发声器官各部分动画 40-41 4.3.3 气流动画 41-43 4.3.4 控制动画按钮 43-44 第5章 系统测试 44-46 5.1 单元测试实例 44-45 5.2 综合测试 45 5.3 系统的维护主要包括四个方面 45-46 第6章 结论 46-48 6.1 语言类课程的多媒体意义 46 6.2 语言类课程的动画意义 46 6.3 小语种语言的教学措施 46-48 参考文献 48-49 作者简介及在学期间所取得的科研成果 49-50 致谢 50
