跟着国度间交换的增长,各类文明文物也随之传播他国,在这个进程中说话也不破例,也跟着文明等方面的交换而年夜量的传入他国,更有一部门说话在他国生根开花成长为外来语。所谓外来语是指曾作为人们交换沟通手腕而运用的说话,跟着时光的流逝,依照他国的说话标志规矩,而渐渐的演变为另外一个国度说话的词语。历久以来韩语一向遭到汉语的作用,其说话的很年夜一部门由汉字词组成。开化期以后,传入韩国的日语外来语,经由过程日本传入韩国的东方外来语和直接传入韩国的东方外来语,使得韩语中外来语所占的比例年夜年夜增长,其数目也有很年夜的增长。固然外来语数目方面明显增长,然则从拼写法方面来看的话,因为现实发音与标志上的差别,使得韩语进修者在进修韩语外来语方面相当费劲。所以本论文以英语外来语为中间,经由过程对韩语中英语外来语标志的比拟与剖析,探访韩语中外来语标志涌现凌乱的缘由及处理计划,愿望可以给其他韩语进修者供给必定的赞助。全文共分五年夜部门。第一章序论部门。重要解释了研究目标、研究办法和研究现状。第二章对外来语的引见。包含外来语的界说、传入的汗青、运用的缘由及分类等。第三章对韩语外来语标志现实情形的剖析。本章重要分为两个较年夜的部门,第一部门比拟了韩语和英语在语音方面的分歧,提醒了标志凌乱的缘由。第二部门重要是比较剖析了外来语标志与现实发音之间的关系,并指出成绩地点。第四章针对第三章涌现的成绩,提出了笔者以为公道的处理计划。第五章结论部门。体系的再次解释了本文的分类,进一步总结了本文的不雅点,扼要解释了本文的研究价值,局限性和进一步研究的建议。 Abstract: Follow the Kingdom between exchange of growth, all kinds of civilization heritage also subsequently spread his country, talk is not an exception in this process, followed by civilization exchange the introduction of a large number of other countries, is more of a department speak root, blossom and grow as a foreign language in his country. The term "foreign language" refers to the words that have been used as people in exchange for communication, and as the time goes by, according to the rules of the language of his country, and gradually evolved into another country. A long time has been the influence of Chinese and Korean, the talk in large part by Chinese characters words. Civilized period later, the incoming Japanese Loanwords in South Korea and Japan introduced Korean Oriental Foreign Language and pass in the Korean Oriental foreign language directly via, making of Loanwords in Korean accounts for the proportion of big growth. The number also has very big growth. Although the number of foreign language has increased significantly, but from the spelling point of view, because the actual pronunciation and signs of differences, making Korean learners in learning Korean foreign language is very difficult. So the borrowed words in English as the center, through the Korean English Loanwords in Mark's comparison and analysis, visit of Loanwords in Korean marks the emergence of messy cause and disposal plan, wishes can learning to other Korean suppliers must sponsorship. The full text is divided into five major departments. The first chapter is introduction department. Important explanation of the research objectives, research methods and research status. The second chapter of the introduction of foreign language. The definition, history, the incoming application contains foreign language reason and classification etc.. The third chapter analyses the realistic situation of Korean foreign language marks. This chapter is divided into two major parts, the first section compares the differences between Korean and English in pronunciation, to remind the cause of the signs of chaos. The second part is the comparative analysis of the relationship between foreign language signs and the actual pronunciation, and points out the place of performance. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward the reasonable processing plan for the third chapter. The fifth chapter conclusion department. The system again explains the classification of this article, and further summarizes the point of view of this article, briefly explains the value of this study, limitations and suggestions for further research. 目录: 韩文摘要 5-7 中文摘要 7 目录 8-9 正文 9-61 参考文献 61-63 后记 63-64 个人简历 64 发表的学术论文 64 |