
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


A comparative study of Chinese and foreign language textbooks Nianye more concentrated in China, Japan, Taiwan and the mainland may, compared to the mainland and Hong Kong, China and South Korea Chinese textbook comparison research less and less. In fact, South Korea traditional culture than any other country are with China similar, ancient civilization, but also with the abnormal differences, which happens to be that we reflect on how to traditional civilization supply useful reference. This is to choose a set of Chinese Textbooks in their application, the Han Gaozhong scale of the most wide, were compared to the traditional method of civilization from the perspective of performance. The Dewey's empiricism teaching and other teaching experiential education thought for the basic theory, through the descendants of the rectifying process about traditional culture and Chinese teaching idea, in the usual career as an intermediate inductive synthesized the comparative analysis need various elements. Analysis from the teaching objective, the content of the text, exercises with factor images drawn on the two sets of textbooks are compared and analyzed. The first version of the textbook to teach performance of traditional civilization in terms of how to better stop improvement suggestions.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-7 引言 7-8 一、 理论基础 8-12 (一)、 语文教育与传统文化的关系 8-9 (二)、 杜威的经验主义教育理论与验教学理论 9-10 (三)、 语文教育与生活经验 10-12 二、 探讨措施 12-14 (一)、 探讨范围 12 (二)、 探讨措施 12-14 1. 探讨措施 12 2. 可行性介绍 12-14 三、 课程标准中对文化相关学习内容的说明 14-18 (一)、 教育目标的对比: 14-15 (二)、 教育目标部分关键词整理及比较 15-18 四、 课文内容比较 18-24 (一)、 课文内容整理 18 (二)、 课文内容分类统计 18-24 1. 统计准则 18 2. 统计结果 18-22 3. 统计结果略论 22-24 五、 练习部分比较 24-29 (一)、 比较范围 24 (二)、 比较内容整理 24-29 1. 练习题出现位置 24 2. 练习题类型 24-27 3. 比较结果略论 27-29 六、 与古代著作配套出现的图片的比较 29-32 (一)、 两种教材中图片的归类整理 29-30 (二)、 整理结果的对比略论 30-32 七、 商榷与借鉴 32-34 参考文献 34-35 附录 35-36 后记 36
