
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Classifier measure word is one of the main features of the ancient Chinese, medium, quantifiers accounted for quantifier majority most, Chinese this odd characteristics in a certain extent to the Korean, Korean has many such from Chinese quantifiers and still be applied. There are two sets of Korean vocabulary system, which is inherent in the word system and word vocabulary system Chinese characters. Because the Korean vocabulary word system in the presence of Chinese characters, so that there is a large number of Chinese and Korean in Han Han with quantifiers. The Korean Chinese Etymology in Chinese, however, follow gengxu growth and change, they summed up the differences in the semantic features of Chinese, which formed Han Han with quantifiers in usage are different. Based on the Chinese speech sinks and Chinese grade Nianye outline emerging and Korean and shape classifiers as the research object, through the process of the Han Chinese and shape comparison of Noun Classifiers, to explore Chinese and Korean and shape classifiers' similarities and differences; at the same time, using mother tongue negative migration theoretical analysis and summed up the South Korean left to study Chinese noun emergence of bias. First, in the above discussion basically, for Chinese to Korean quantifiers teaching suggestions. The whole article is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction section, introduces the origin and significance of the topic, research scope and research methods; the second chapter introduces briefly research the comparative separation of Chinese and Korean quantifiers and Chinese and Korean quantifiers; the third chapter through the comparison of "Gang" in Chinese and Korean with quantifiers, find the similarities and differences with Chinese and Korean quantifiers in usage, and to stop the classification; the fourth chapter is important to HSK static composition corpus as the basic analysis, the negative influence of Chinese migration to Korea student to measure words acquisition brings; in the fifth chapter of Chinese and Korean quantifiers Teaching situation, and puts forward some suggestions. Includes textbooks, dictionaries and writing teaching strategies and methods two aspects.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 引言 9-11 1.1 选题缘起及意义 9 1.2 探讨范围和思路 9-10 1.3 理论依据 10 1.4 探讨措施 10-11 第2章 探讨综述 11-19 2.1 汉语名量词探讨综述 11-13 2.2 韩语量词探讨综述 13-17 2.3 汉韩量词对比探讨综述 17-18 2.4 已有探讨成果中存在的不足 18-19 第3章 汉韩同形名量词对比 19-32 3.1 汉语名量词统计 19-21 3.2 韩语名量词统计 21-23 3.3 汉韩同形名量词对比 23-32 3.3.1 汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲名量词概况 23-24 3.3.2 基于大纲的汉韩同形名量词词义对比 24-32 第4章 韩国汉语名量词偏误略论 32-37 4.1 误用 32-35 4.1.1 同形名量词的误用 32-34 4.1.2 语序偏误 34 4.1.3 语用偏误 34-35 4.2 遗漏 35-37 第5章 韩国汉语名量词教学措施研讨 37-48 5.1 教材及词典的编写 37-41 5.1.1 编写符合大纲要求的对外汉语教材 37-38 5.1.2 编写适合对韩汉语教学使用的规范教材 38-40 5.1.3 编写适合韩国学习者使用的词典 40-41 5.2 教学策略及教学措施研讨 41-48 5.2.1 阶段性教学策略 41-43 5.2.2 汉韩对比教学法 43-44 5.2.3 语境教学法 44-45 5.2.4 认知教学法 45-46 5.2.5 “语言-文化”教学法 46-48 结语 48-49 参考文献 49-52 致谢 52
