本国人进修汉语的时刻,最年夜的一个艰苦就是进修目标语中有而母语中没有的说话成份。趋势补语对于韩国粹习者来讲就是如许的。刘月华曾指出,汉语中有补语这类说话成份,其他说话中很少含有补语这类说话成份——汉语中含有补语成份的句子,其他说话会运用分歧的说话措施来表达①(刘月华、潘文娱)。因为韩语中没有与汉语绝对应的补语成份,韩语论文网站,是以,趋势补语的进修成为韩国粹习者进修中的一年夜难点。本文从对外汉语的角度动身,重点评论辩论了“出、出来、出去”的语法实际和偏误剖析两个方面的成绩。起首,笔者对“出、出来、出去”作趋势补语时的语法意义作了过细的描述,将“出、出来、出去”作趋势补语时的语法意义分为趋势意义和成果意义。其次,韩语论文,从认知说话实际的角度对“出、出来、出去”作趋势补语时的用法作了公道的剖析与说明。接着本文彩用定量与定性相联合的剖析办法,辨别了“出、出来、出去”作谓语和作趋势补语时的差别,并对“出/出来”、“出来/出去”的纰谬称景象作了考核剖析。在这些实际的基本上,笔者对韩国粹习者进修和运用“出、出来、出去”作趋势补语时涌现的偏误停止剖析,归结出他们常常涌现的偏误类型:动词残破、趋势补语与宾语的地位关系毛病、介词“从”和方位词“里/中”的缺省等。最初在剖析偏误缘由的基本上提出一些公道的教授教养对策与办法。 Abstract: One of the most difficult times when people learn Chinese is that there is no language in their language. The trend of South Korea to learn about the complement of terms is such. Liu Yuehua has pointed out that in the Chinese language, there is a complement to this kind of speech, other words, such as the complement of this kind of speech elements - Chinese language containing the complement component of the sentence, the other words will use different ways to express the differences (Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu). Because in Korean and Chinese should be the absolute complement component is to complement of trend of learning become the quintessence of Han learning learners in a big difficulty. This article from the angle of foreign language, the focus of the debate on the "out, out, out" of the grammar and error analysis of the two aspects of the results. First and foremost, the author of the "out, out, out" trend complement the grammatical meaning of made meticulous description, "out, out, out" trend complement the grammatical meaning is divided into the significance of trends and achievements. Secondly, from the perspective of cognitive speak to "out, out, out" for the use of the trend of the use of the trend of the use of a reasonable analysis and description. Then this paper color with quantitative and qualitative phase joint analysis method, to identify the "out, out, out" as predicate and complement of the trend of the difference, and the "/", "come / go out" Pi perverted said the scene test analysis. In these actual basically, the quintessence of Han Xi. Study and application of the "out, out, out" trend complement when the emergence of error analysis, attributed to a they often appear in the error types: verbs broken, trend complement and object status relationship problems, prepositions and orientation of the word "/" default, "from". At the beginning, the paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions on the teaching strategy and methods of teaching. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 绪论 8-14 第一节 选题意义 8 第二节 趋向动词的探讨概况 8-12 一 趋向动词的界定 9 二 趋向动词的分类 9-10 三 探讨成果简述 10-12 第三节 探讨措施及思路 12-13 第四节 理论措施及语料来源 13-14 一 理论措施 13 二 语料来源 13-14 第二章 “出、出来、出去”的语法意义 14-21 第一节 趋向意义与结果意义的区分 14-16 第二节 趋向意义的分类 16-18 一 具体空间位移趋向义 16-17 二 抽象空间位移趋向义 17-18 第三节 结果意义的分类 18-19 一 从隐蔽到显露的结果义 18 二 从无到有的结果义 18-19 第四节 小结 19-21 第三章 “出、出来、出去”的认知略论 21-27 第一节 容器隐喻 21-22 第二节 路径意象图式 22-24 第三节 顺序象似性 24-25 第四节 句末信息焦点 25-26 第五节 小结 26-27 第四章 “出∕出来∕出去”的用法略论 27-38 第一节 “出∕出来∕出去”作谓语 27-29 第二节 “出∕出来∕出去”作趋向补语 29-33 第三节 “出”与“出来”的对比略论 33-34 第四节 “出来”与“出去”的对比略论 34-37 第五节 小结 37-38 第五章 偏误略论与教学对策 38-51 第一节 动词残缺 38-42 第二节 趋向补语与宾语的位置关系错误 42-45 一“出”与宾语的位置:动词/出/宾语 43 二“出来∕出去”与宾语的位置 43-45 第三节 介词“从”或方位词“里、中”的缺失 45-48 一 介词“从”的缺失 46-47 二 方位词“里∕中”的缺失 47-48 第四节 教学对策 48-50 第五节 小结 50-51 第六章 结语 51-52 参考文献 52-54 个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文及探讨成果 54-55 致谢 55 |