
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The growth in the ancient Chinese vocabulary in the process of ordinary is the root compounding method, affix affixation always occupies the main position. But in the last few years, the growth of affix has become more and more attractive. Additional morphology ratio rises ceaselessly. The important position of the Korean derived word in the word formation of the respective word formation, is the main character of the affix in South Korea and China. The so-called affixes can only refer to adhesion in the root morpheme composed of words, it cannot separate words. Affix adhesion in after the root is called prefix affix in front of root adhesion called suffix, the important research in front of the suffix root adhesion. Korean suffix abnormal vigorous, number than Chinese Suffix number. This paper has carried on the preliminary discussion on Korean suffix suffix is thought positioning, adhesion, in front of the root close roots, not self into words, no real meaning, most are productive; has certain grammatical function; has changed the word grammar nature effect. China and South Korea in addition to similar taxonomic suffix, there are many differences in other aspects, especially brought a lot of trouble meaning and usage of the suffix of the difference to the study and research of two people talking. In order to solve this problem, this paper will stop the comparative study of China and South Korea to supply for homemade Korean suffix, teachers and learners, so that they can deepen the understanding of the derivation of the word learning in the teaching and learning effect, and teaching progress. The first section describes the research object, the research object, and the research method. And the first research, etc.. Second departments of China and South Korea to stop the comparative study of the suffix. Through the compare of roots and derived words, the separation of South Korean noun suffix, verb suffix, adverbial suffix and suffix to describe part of speech separation were analyzed, elaborated the meaning and grammatical function of suffix. At first, through the process of China and South Korea more comprehensive comparison research, analysis of the Chinese and Korean suffix is very similar to the level of. But because of some Chinese characteristics in their speaking affix is not to be found in Korean; strange Korean some affixes in Chinese can not find, and the amount from the amount of affix affixes in terms of Korean Chinese more than.


摘要   7   外文摘要   8-9   目录   9-10   正文   10-53   致谢   53-54   附录   54-55   参考文献   55-56  
