
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
本论文“松籽商务网站开辟”,其内容来自于笔者为吉林派诺生物技巧股分无限企业开辟的电子商务网站,该网站的感化除包含普通的消息宣布体系以外,还包含了公司/会员体系、行情体系和供求信息体系三个部门。分歧于普通的消息宣布体系,本体系中的“公司/会员体系”重要是为供求信息体系供给用户层面的支撑;“行情体系”由体系治理员治理,功效包含即时宣布各类产物的行情和为供求两边供给价钱上的参考;而个中的“供求信息体系”则愿望由网站的用户本身宣布各类供求信息,相似于公共信息平台的形式。这类形式的构成,是由该企业和作者参考其它网站,并依据松籽市场的现状,而且参照在松籽市场中的供求两边的盘算机操作程度而设计的,其目标是为没有前提制造信息平台的客户们搭建一个开放的平台,以吸引本网站的点击量,并增长网站的宣扬才能。本网站采取了ASP。NET/SQL SERVER的形式停止B/S体系的架构。在数据库设计阶段,重要是对上述的消息宣布体系、公司/会员体系、行情信息体系和供求信息体系停止数据模子的树立。同时对体系的逻辑构造和物理构造停止了剖析和设计。跟着收集的普及,五花八门的网站不可胜数。信息量的爆炸招致了拜访用户的耐烦赓续降低,是以,在制造网站时,韩语论文网站,我们应尽可能将拜访速度最年夜化。HTML的主动静态化技巧等于出于这类目标而在制造网站的进程中运用的,其根本思惟是以办事器的空间换取用户的拜访时光。在静态数据存储到数据库以后,即时生成一个静态页面,从而节俭了用户在静态拜访时须要消费的办事器真个查询时光。相似的,页面间的数据同享也是为了进步网站拜访速度而采取的技巧,其办法是将长途的登录信息保留在本机的内存或缓存中。同时,韩语论文,收集的平安性也是当下收集情况中须要重点斟酌的成绩。异常捕捉和数据验证的技巧都是基于平安性的斟酌。作为一种媒体,在累赘宣扬感化时,网站的界面临于客户和拜访者来讲都长短常主要的。在最后阶段我们开辟了网站的英文版本,后续将会有日语和韩语版本。在多说话版本中,须要处理的重要是数据库的同步成绩。本文中提出了英文版本的处理办法,相似的办法可以扩大到其它说话版本。同时,我们运用webchart控件制造了首页上的图表,使数字可以或许以较为直不雅的措施显示出来。鄙人一步,我们将依据客户的需求,完美网站各项功效,包含与银行网关和第三方付出系统的连接、完成在线付出功效、进一步做好网站的SEO优化以晋升网站的拜访量等。


The "pine commerce website development" and its contents from in the Jilin Spano biological technology joint-stock Co., Ltd. opened e-commerce site, the site of action in addition to contain common announcement system other than, but also includes the enterprise / membership system, market system and supply and demand information system three departments. Different from ordinary news announced system and the system of "enterprise / membership system" is for the support of the supply and demand information system to provide user level; "market system" by the system administrator management, function includes instant announced the of all kinds product market and reference for both sides of supply and demand supply price; and therein "supply and demand information system" desire by users of the site itself announced all kinds of supply and demand information, similar in the form of public information platform. This kind of form is by the company, and the author referring to other web sites, and, according to the present situation of pine seed market, and reference in the pine nut Market on both sides of the supply and demand of computer operation level and design. The goal is no premise manufacturing information platform for customers to build an open platform, to attract the website hits, and growth of the website to promote to. This site has taken ASP. SERVER NET/SQL in the form of the B/S system to stop the architecture. In the database design phase, it is important to announce the above information system, enterprise / member system, market information system and supply and demand information system to stop the data model. At the same time, the logical structure and physical structure of the system are analyzed and designed. Along with the network popularization, all kinds of countless websites. The amount of information explosion caused the user visits the patient continuously reduced, is to, in the manufacturer's Web site, we should as far as possible will visit speed of the most Nianye. HTML active static technology is equal to this kind of goal and in the process of manufacturing site application, its basic idea is to work in exchange for the user's space for the user's visit time. After the static data is stored in the database, it generates a static page, so that it is economical for users to have a real time when they need to consume when they visit. Similar data sharing between pages is to raise a website to visit rate and take the skills and the way is long-distance login information is retained in the machine's memory or cache. At the same time, the security of the collection is the moment to collect the situation needs to focus on the results. Exception capture and data validation techniques are based on security. As a kind of media, in the role of publicity, the interface of the site is in terms of customers and visitors are concerned about the length of the main. In the final stage we opened up the English version of the site, the follow-up will be Japanese and Korean version. In multiple versions, it is important to deal with the synchronization of the database. In this paper, the English version of the approach, similar approach can be expanded to other versions. At the same time, we use the webchart control to create a chart on the home page, so that numbers can be displayed in a more intuitive way. In the next step, we will according to the customer demand, perfect website functions, including and bank gateway and the third party payment system connection, complete the online pay effect, to further improve the website SEO optimization in order to promote the website visit quantity.

