
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05

Abstract   3-5   摘要   6-11   Chapter1 Introduction   11-17   Chapter2 Introduction of metaphor   17-25       2.1 Concept of metaphor   17-18       2.2 Cognitive functions of metaphor   18-21       2.3 Reasons of metaphor   21-25   Chapter3 Review of body metaphor research at home andabroad   25-33       3.1 Review of body metaphor abroad   25-27       3.2 Review of body metaphor at home   27-31       3.3 Review of metaphorical cognition at home and abroad   31-33   Chapter4 Theoretical basis of contrast of metaphoricalcognition in English Japanese and Chinese   33-39       4.1 Universality of Metaphorical Cognition   33-34       4.2 Nationality of metaphorical cognition   34-35       4.3 Interaction of source and target in metaphorical cognition   35-39   Chapter5 Contrastive study of features of metaphoricalcognition of eye words in English Japanese and Chinese   39-79       5.1 Metaphorical cognition features of eye words in English   39-42           5.1.1 Mapping from eye to other parts of body   39-40           5.1.2 Mapping from eye to non-body parts   40-42       5.2 Metaphorical cognition ways of eye words in Chinese   42-57           5.2.1 Mapping of“眼,目”to other parts in body domain   42-44           5.2.2 Mapping from“眼/目”to non-body parts   44-57       5.3 Metaphorical cognition ways of Eye words in Japanese   57-69           5.3.1 Mapping from“眼,目”to other parts of body   57-59           5.3.2 Mapping from“眼,目”to non-body parts   59-69       5.4 Metaphorical cognition features of eye words in English Japanese and Chinese   69-79           5.4.1 Similarity of metaphorical cognition features   69-72           5.4.2 Analysis of reasons of similarity   72-74           5.4.3 Differences of metaphorical cognition ways   74-79   Chapter6 Metaphorical representation of eye words inEnglish Japanese and Chinese   79-95       6.1 Metaphorical representation of eye words in English   79-80           6.1.1 Adj/Eye   79           6.1.2 Eye/X   79-80       6.2 Metaphorical representation of eye words in Chinese   80-87           6.2.1 Former modification   80-84           6.2.2 Post modifications   84-86           6.2.3 “Xm/眼,目/P   86-87       6.3 Metaphorical representation of eye words in Japanese   87-91           6.3.1 Fore modification   87-88           6.3.2 Post modification   88-91           6.3.3 Zero modification   91       6.4 Metaphorical representation of eye words in English Japanese and Chinese   91-95           6.4.1 Similarity of metaphorical representation and reasons   91-92           6.4.2 Differences of metaphorical representation   92-95   Chapter7 Reasons of differences in metaphorical cognition and representation of eye words in English Japanese andChinese   95-101       7.1 Cultural reasons   95-96       7.2 Differences from cognitive thinking   96-98           7.2.1 Differences from ways of association   97-98           7.2.2 Differences from cognitive views   98       7.3 Differences on languages   98-101   Chapter 8 Application of metaphorical cognition in teachingand learning   101-105       8.1 Teaching and learning through thinking   101-102       8.2 Teaching and learning through culture   102-104       8.3 Teaching and learning through language itself   104-105   Chapter 9 Conclusion   105-109       9.1 Contributions of this research   105-108       9.2 Limitations of this paper   108       9.3 Issues to be studied further   108-109   BIBLIOGRAPHY   109-113   APPENDIX   113-117   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   117-119   PUBLISHED PAPERS   119  
