
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The shelter on the realities of South Korea, starting from the characteristics of Chinese teaching in South Korea, South Korean primary and middle school Chinese language learners is an important query survey. Through the process of Taebaek, Gangwon do South Korea by the author in the third school of primary and secondary schools, and the city's other primary and secondary schools, Chinese learning situation query visit, analysis after the basic conditions of Chinese education of middle and primary schools in South Korea and South Korean primary and secondary school students their own characteristics and teaching existing achievements, according to the invention of related problems, put forward about how to improve the teaching content, teaching methods and other relevant suggestions, and hope can may further enhance the region or even all Korean primary and middle school Chinese teaching the healthy growth of and progress teaching consequences. This paper is divided into four departments: 1, the introduction of important explanation of the research background, research significance, research methods, research content and related literature review. 2, the first chapter from the teaching form, teaching materials and the current situation of teachers in South Korea at present in primary and secondary schools in the basic situation of Chinese teaching. 3, the second chapter introduces the Chinese teaching situation in primary and secondary schools in the city of Gangwon taebaek. The reaction of the basic situation, the purpose of teaching, the form of teaching, and the results of the inquiry of the primary and middle school students' stop. 4, the third chapter from the Chinese teaching at severe, textbooks, teaching planning, teaching method and students studying interest parties face Taebaek city primary and secondary school Chinese teaching put forward their own proposals.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   8-12       第一节 探讨背景   8-9       第二节 探讨意义   9       第三节 探讨措施   9       第四节 探讨内容   9-10       第五节 文献综述   10-12   第一章 韩国中小学汉语教育基本近况   12-16       第一节 韩国中小学汉语教学基本情况   12-13       第二节 韩国中小学汉语使用教材   13-14       第三节 韩国中小学汉语师资   14-16   第二章 江原道太白市中小学汉语教学情况调查略论   16-23       第一节 韩国江原道太白市中小学汉语教学情况概述   16-20           一、江原道太白市中小学汉语教学基本情况   16-19           二、江原道太白市中小学汉语教学目标   19           三、江原道太白市中小学汉语教学模式   19-20       第二节 韩国江原道太白市中小学学生汉语学习情况调查结果反馈   20-23   第三章 对太白市中小学汉语教学的建议   23-31       第一节 教学重视度   23-24       第二节 汉语教材   24-25       第三节 教学计划   25-27       第四节 教学模式   27-28       第五节 学习兴趣   28-31   结语   31-32   参考文献   32-34   附录1:韩国江原道太白市中小学学生对中国了解情况调查问卷   34-36   附录2:韩国江原道太白市中小学学生汉语学习调查问卷   36-41   致谢   41  
