本文以最近几年来被逐步扩展应用的采取原语平易近教员停止的汉语协作教授教养为研究对象,重要经由过程对在韩中小学汉语协作教授教养项目标查询拜访研究,对今朝韩国的汉语协作教授教养现状加以归结和总结。笔者经由过程本身在韩国光州枫岩高中为期一年的汉语协作教授教养理论,和对韩国全南地域74名汉语原语平易近教员、韩国籍汉语错误教员停止查询拜访访谈,重点懂得了今朝韩国中小学的汉语协作教授教养形式,并停止形式分类、教授教养实例展现、和成绩剖析。并联合现实教授教养形式运用经历和先生的进修后果反应,对韩国中小学的汉语协作教授教养提出公道化建议。本论文的重要内容以下:第一章,绪论。重要论述了展开此项研究的启事,韩语论文题目,包含时期配景、实际常识配景,和全部查询拜访研究的详细办法。第二章,重要引见了今朝韩国汉语进修研究和中小学汉语教授教养成长的现状。以全南地域为典范,引见了韩国汉语教室的设置、教材的运用编写等情形。第三章,协作教授教养在韩国汉语教授教养傍边的完成。联合协作教授教养的实际研究,对今朝韩国中小学协作教授教养中的教员资本、教授教养形式停止分类归纳综合,并对汉语协作教授教养的优胜性和存在的成绩加以总结。第四章,参照协作教授教养的类型划分,对韩国全罗南道中小学汉语协作教授教养典范案例加以评析。第五章,经由过程发放的问卷和访谈等情势的查询拜访,韩语论文网站,阐释汉语协作教授教养形式的后果查询拜访及意义。第六章,结论和建议。提出韩国中小学汉语协作教授教养的幻想化形式和协作教授教养推行建议。 Abstract: This paper in recent years is gradually expanding the use of primitives plain near the teacher carry on the Chinese cooperative teaching as the research object, through the process in Korean primary school Chinese cooperative teaching goal inquires the visit discussion, the current Korean Chinese cooperation professor teach raise the situation be summed up. The via process itself in Gwangju Maple rock high school for a period of a year of Chinese cooperative teaching theory, and to South Korea QUANNAN area 74 Chinese primitive plain near the teacher, Korean Chinese mistakes teacher investigation and interviews, the key to understand the current South Korean primary and secondary school Chinese language collaborative teaching form, and stop the form classification, teaching examples show, and analysis. And combined with the practical experience of teaching form of teaching experience and the consequences of the study of the response, the Korean primary and secondary school of Chinese cooperative teaching put forward reasonable suggestions. The main contents of this paper are as follows: Chapter One: introduction. It is important to discuss the reason for this research, including the period of the king, the actual common sense, and all the details of the inquiry. In the second chapter, it is important to introduce the current situation of Korean Chinese Studies and the development of Chinese teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools. In order to Chonnam region as the model, applications written in situations such as introductions of the Korean language classroom setting, teaching materials. The third chapter, cooperative teaching in Chinese teaching as South korea. Theoretical study of cooperative teaching, the current South Korean primary and secondary schools collaboration teaching faculty capital, teaching form to carry on the comprehensive classification and teaching collaboration to Chinese superiority and existing problems is summarized. The fourth chapter, with reference to the classification of the types of collaborative teaching and try to review of South Jeolla Province, South Korea of Chinese primary and secondary cooperative teaching model case. The fifth chapter, through the process of questionnaire and interviews and other forms of inquiry, to explain the Chinese collaborative teaching form of the consequences of inquiry and significance. The sixth chapter, conclusion and suggestion. Proposed the Korean primary and middle school Chinese cooperation teaching's fantasy form and the cooperation teaching suggestion. 目录: 论文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 引言 8-12 1.1 选题的背景 8-10 1.1.1 选题的时代背景 8-9 1.1.2 选题的理论背景 9-10 1.2 调查探讨的设计 10-12 1.2.1 调查对象 10 1.2.2 探讨措施 10-12 第2章 韩国目前汉语教学发展情况 12-19 2.1 韩国目前汉语学习探讨发展情况 12-15 2.2 韩国中小学的汉语教学发展情况 15-19 2.2.1 韩国中小学阶段汉语的课程设置以及构成形式——以全南地区为例 17-18 2.2.2 对于汉语教材的选择和编写情况 18-19 第3章 合作教学在韩国汉语教学当中的实现 19-30 3.1 合作教学的定义 19-20 3.2 在韩汉语合作教学概况 20-21 3.3 在韩汉语教师的近况 21-22 3.3.1 合作教学中的汉语原语民教师 21 3.3.2 合作教学中的韩国籍教师 21-22 3.4 汉语合作教师的角色定位略论 22-24 3.4.1 原语民汉语教师的角色定位 22-23 3.4.2 韩国籍汉语教师的角色定位 23-24 3.5 韩国汉语合作教学的模式略论 24-27 3.5.1 合作教学的模式类型 24-25 3.5.2 韩国汉语合作教学工作模式 25-27 3.6 韩国汉语合作教学的特点以及评价 27-30 3.6.1 韩国汉语合作教学的特点总结 27-28 3.6.2 对韩国汉语合作教学的评价 28-30 第4章 韩国中小学汉语合作教学典型案例以及略论 30-43 4.1 轮流主导型案例以及略论 30-33 4.1.1 轮流主导型合作教学模式的典型案例 30-32 4.1.2 轮流主导型合作教学模式的汉语课堂案例略论 32-33 4.2. 一主一支持型案例以及略论 33-39 4.2.1 一主一支持型合作教学模式的典型案例 33-38 4.2.2 一主一支持型合作教学模式的汉语课堂案例略论 38-39 4.3 平行型案例以及略论 39-43 4.3.1 平行型合作教学模式的典型案例 39-41 4.3.2 平行型合作教学模式的汉语课堂案例略论 41-43 第5章 汉语合作教学模式的效果调查及意义略论 43-50 第6章 结论和建议 50-53 6.1 结论 50-51 6.2 汉语合作教学开展建议 51-53 参考文献 53-55 附录 1:汉语合作教学对象调查问卷项目(接受合作教学前) 55-56 附录 2:汉语合作教学对象调查问卷项目(接受合作教学后) 56-57 附录 3:汉语合作教学韩国籍教师调查问卷表 57-59 附录 4:汉语合作教学项目原语民教师调查问卷 59-62 致谢 62 |