
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In this paper, the model of vector auto regression model with exogenous variables, the empirical analysis of the impact of the national currency devaluation of China and Korea in the next 1994 to 2012. To test the impact of the national currency devaluation on the economic variables such as total output, inflation, interest rate, cost account and so on. Separation of all sample data, and the national currency exchange rate reform future economic data to stop the profound analysis and processing can error and make the result is true and reliable. So as to reflect the impact of the devaluation of the international economic and social. According to the pulse echo and the variance of the differentiation of hone results notes, the national currency devaluation of Korea capital mobility has a significant negative to action, and the statistical results significantly; of won exchange rate provoke had more long-term negative effect to explain national currency devaluation leads to a depreciation of the won against the US dollar; sway effect on South Korea's GDP, and short-term interest rates have smaller; to South Korea inflation almost had no effect on. According to the results of the test results, the devaluation of the national currency has a significant impact on the economy of South Korea, the devaluation of the national currency has a significant negative impact on the cost of South Korea, the impact of the total number of South Korean goods and services, such as inflation and other aspects of the impact is not obvious. According to the conclusion of this paper, it is suggested that South Korea as Asia's booming country should set up a useful mechanism for international economic cooperation, and more attention should be given to the national currency in the stability of its capital activities and the development of exchange rate system. Risk and damage to prevent cost activities. This paper is not only a national currency devaluation of the economic impact of a test, but also a more common understanding of the impact of the devaluation of the national currency, which helps to accurately understand the international impact of devaluation of the national currency, through the international community accurate view of the value of the national currency devaluation, accurate knowledge of China's economic impact on the world economy.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7-8   目录   9-11   第一章 绪论   11-15       1.1 选题的背景   11       1.2 选题的目的与意义   11-12       1.3 文献综述   12-14           1.3.1 人民币升值的作用探讨   12-13           1.3.2 人民币升值对韩国经济的作用   13-14       1.4 探讨内容及措施   14       1.5 论文结构   14-15   第二章 相关理论与模型建立   15-22       2.1 总需求理论   15-16       2.2 总供给理论   16       2.3 货币市场均衡理论   16-17       2.4 本文理论模型   17-18       2.5 平稳性检验措施   18-22           2.5.1 单位根检验法   19-21           2.5.2 PP检验的法   21-22   第三章 人民币汇率变化及其中韩经贸关系   22-29       3.1 人民币汇率改革的发展与近况   22-24       3.2 人民币汇率变化   24-26       3.3 中韩经贸关系   26-29           3.3.1 中韩贸易近况   26-27           3.3.2 中韩投资近况   27-29   第四章 人民币升值对韩国经济作用的实证略论   29-47       4.1 模型的设定与变量选择   29-30           4.1.1 本文建模思路   29           4.1.2 实证模型   29           4.1.3 参数估计措施   29-30           4.1.4 变量的选择   30       4.2 平稳性检验略论   30-31           4.2.1 平稳性检验的结果   30-31       4.3 整体样本期间略论   31-39           4.3.1 以资本账户作为整体的向量自回归   31-34      脉冲响应   31-33      方差分解   33-34           4.3.2 引入长期资本的向量自回归   34-36      脉冲响应   34-35      方差分解   35-36           4.3.3 引入短期资本的向量自回归   36-38      脉冲响应   36-37      方差分解   37-38           4.3.4 实证略论结论   38-39       4.4 稳健性检验略论   39-47           4.4.1 人民币汇率改革以后的向量自回归   39-41      脉冲响应   39-40      方差分解   40-41           4.4.2 人民币汇改后引入长期资本的向量自回归   41-43      脉冲响应   41-43      方差分解   43           4.4.3 人民币汇改后引入短期资本的向量自回归   43-45      脉冲响应   43-44      方差分解   44-45           4.4.4 实证略论结论   45-47   第五章 对策与建议   47-49   结论   49-51   参考文献   51-54   致谢   54  
