千手观音图中国元代与韩国高丽时期 千手观音图对比探讨[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This paper aims to compare China and South Korea must not Yayintu. Senju indecent sound accurate title is Qianshou indecent sound not elegant world sound Bodhisattva or forearm thousand eyes indecent world sound Bodhisattva, the Sanskrit title for a Sahasrabhuja Avalokitasvara. Senju Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has a thousand hands, each hand has only one eye to forgo our all people suffering, which means this one thousand Ji them Buddhism desire and well-known. Not Yayintu thousand portrait basic the most famous are "thousand" and "Nikkei". Senju indecent sound image followed by worship the growth degree and image diversification, according to the times need to be borrowed or with Chinese traditional stories combined emerging Chinese Buddhist indecent sound, experience the various forms of evolution and growth. According to historical records, Buddhist indecent tone is the most popular in Asia especially in Chinese. Because of geographical position, South Korea Chinese influence is very big, and can follow the Buddha Buddhism to its coherence. It is important to note that even introduced from China to Korea, but along with the passage of time, gradually with Korean indigenous culture blending, said the Korean style and Buddhist teachings. Korean Buddhist art to the Korea period is very vigorous, can represent the art of Korea period. At that time, there was a lot of Buddha painting, but now there is only one. During the period of Korea in the future, South Korea is not how to draw a thousand not Yayintu. Removal of ancient works, including Korea and the Korean era, as long as the painting works, as long as 3. Chinese Tang Dynasty era Buddhist worship to indecent sound strong, then there were a lot of thousand is not Yayintu. Especially not Yayintu Mogao Grottoes of Buddhist most Yayintu of the Yuan Dynasty in the third grotto of the Buddhist can be said is the representative of the Chinese. In Korea, the existing Yayintu not few thousand. Chinese painting is not Yayintu thousand Korea period can be comparable with the Mogao Grottoes Chinese. The existence of the Korea Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty was almost identical. Two thousand Yayintu do not have similar features. Structure of the 1000 hands Avalokitesvara is center and the eve of the eve, the second two Senju indecent sound facial appearance is quite similar to feel. Two thousand hand painting indecent tone image, according to the classical differences, so the two thousand indecent tone families differ. The interpretation of differences between China and South Korea on the development history of Buddhist indecent tone.


摘要   5-6   ABSTRACT   6   目录   8-9   1 绪论   9-10   2 千手观音观菩萨   10-12   3. 中国元代千手观音图   12-18       3.1 元代莫高窟壁画   12-13       3.2 莫高窟第3窟   13-18           3.2.1 莫高窟第3窟的千手观音图   15-18   4. 韩国高丽时期千手观音图   18-23       4.1 高丽时期佛教绘画的特点   18-22       4.2 高丽时期千手观音图   22-23   5 元代与高丽时期的千手观音图对比   23-25   6 元代与高丽时期之后的千手观音图   25-29       6.1 中国   25-28       6.2 韩国   28-29   7. 结论   29-32   参考文献   32-34   致谢   34  
