从今朝来看,宗教文明的流传仿佛是人类最原始、最普遍、最具后果的流传运动。基督教起源于东方,是东方文明的前锋文明焦点之一。19世纪以来,基督教文明在亚洲地域获得明显的成长。中国、韩国两个国度地舆地位邻接,韩国文明与中国有着极端类似的文明传统和渊源。然则,比较基督教文明在中、韩两国的流传却获得了判然不同,乃至相反的成果。20世纪80年月以来,基督教在韩国迅猛成长,据统计,2005年,韩国新教教徒人数8,616,000人,2004年,在册韩籍布道士12000余名,笼罩全球160多个国度。作为基督教流传焦点身分的韩国基督教布道士,其非原素性的流传体验有别于传统意义上的东方布道士。韩国基督教布道士固有的、内化的文明焦点是西方的,在接收东方基督教文明后,又向其他异文明群体流传基督教。基于此,本研究提出,这一流传进程是两度的跨文明流传进程假定。为研究这一跨文明流传景象,本文彩用个案研究与实际联合的研究办法,拔取了韩国汗青上有名基督教布道士李东辉为个案研究对象。李东辉不只在韩国宗教界作用颇高,他还担负过韩国暂时当局总理,平生前后加入了韩国的平易近族自力活动、思惟发蒙活动,和共产主义活动,于1995年被韩国当局追以为“复国功臣”。李东辉在思惟方面前后受朝鲜封建文明、东方基督教文明,韩语毕业论文,和初步的共产主义思惟文明作用,是三方文明的集成者,其文明身份之多元,是典范的跨文明人。本文以跨文明流传学实际为依托,以跨文明流传学视角将这一汗青人物的两度跨文明流传阅历停止学理上的解析和重组。依据时光的具象维度和文明的笼统维度,将李东辉从外乡文明转向崇奉基督教和开端向外乡平易近众甚至其他文明群体流传基督教分离划分为第一度跨文明流传和第二度跨文明流传。并根据后殖平易近文明批评实际和脚色实际中的相干实际,来阐释李东辉两度跨文明流传进程中的文明身份崩溃和文明脚色取得。最初,将两度跨文明流传作为一个全体性进程,韩语论文范文,以Young Yun kim的跨文明顺应实际剖析了李东辉的两度跨文明进程中的文明心思变更形式一“文明濡化”、“文明涵化”、“去文明化”、“文明异化”、“二次文明涵化”、“二次去文明化”,和“二次文明异化”。另外,本文以霍米·巴巴的“混淆性”身份实际做结,剖析了李东辉在“第三空间”构建的本身奇特的“混淆性”文明身份,是为两度跨文明流传中流传者的文明身份特点,测验考试为跨文明流传的研究供给某种扶植性的思虑。 Abstract: From the current point of view, the spread of religious civilization, as if it is the most original, the most common, most of the consequences of the movement. Christianity originated in the East and is one of the focal point of the Oriental civilization. Since nineteenth Century, the Christian civilization has gained significant growth in the Asian region. China, South Korea and the status of the two countries adjacent to the South Korean civilization and China has a very similar cultural traditions and origins. However, comparison of Christian civilization was entirely different in the spread between China and Korea, and even the opposite results. Since the 20th century, 80 years, Christianity in South Korea's rapid growth, according to statistics, in 2005, 8616000 Korean Protestant believers. In 2004, more than 12000 registered Korean missionaries, covered more than 160 countries around the world. As Christianity spread focus identity of Korean Christian missionaries, the non elemental spread experience is different from the traditional oriental missionaries. South Korean Christian missionaries inherent, internalized civilization is the focus of the west, after the reception of the Eastern Christian civilization, but also to other different civilizations and the spread of christianity. Based on this, this study proposes that this process is the spread of the spread process is assumed twice. In order to study the spread of civilization, this article uses a case study and the actual joint research approach, with the Korean history of the famous Christian missionary Li Donghui as a case study. Donghui not only in Korea religious influence moderately, he is also responsible for a prime minister of the interim government in South Korea, life before and after the addition of the South Korea's plain near family independence, ideological enlightenment, and communist movement. In 1995 by South Korean authorities after thought "Zionist hero". Donghui in thought and by North Korea feudal civilization, Oriental Christian civilization, and their effect on the preliminary communist ideology civilization is the integrator of third party civilization, the civilization identity multiple is model of cross civilization. In this paper, based on the practice of cross cultural communication, in order to cross the cultural and historical perspective, this historical figure's two cross cultural experience to stop theoretical analysis and reorganization. On the basis of general dimension of time of concrete dimensions and civilization, Li Donghui from indigenous culture to Christian faith and the beginning of indigenous plain public or other cultural groups to spread Christian separation division for the first degree of cross civilization spread and the second cross civilization spread. And according to the colonial near civilization criticism actual and practical role in the related theory, to explain Li Donghui twice cross civilization spread in the process of cultural identity and civilizational collapse role made. Initially, the twice cross civilization spread as a whole process, to young Yun Kim cross-cultural adaptation theoretical analysis of Li Donghui twice cross civilization in the process of culture psychology change form a "civilized enculturation", "civilized cultivation", "to civilization", "civilization alienation", "second civilization cultivation", "second to civilization", and "secondary civilization alienation." In addition, this paper to homi K. Bhabha's "confusion" identity actually do node, analyzes the Donghui in the construction of the "third space" strange "confusion" cultural identity, is for twice cross civilization spread circulated the civilization identity characteristics, test for cross-cultural research provides some support the anxieties of flow. 目录: |