
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Link termination of Korean Unification relationship between the daily performance through different shapes to express grammatical cohesion, this paper focuses on the relationship between research the performance targets of the. The target of the previous research the relation between important focusing on the ontology level, and Study on the comparison of Chinese and Korean hand is still in its infancy. In view of this, this article from the relationship between performance goal convergence ending hands, with a representative of the "(?)" and "(?)" and "(?)" as the center, in semantics and syntax in Chinese and the relation of the three layer separation were compared. It attributed the corresponding Chinese situation, analyzes the similarities and differences, in order to Korean learners in "- (?)" and "- ((?)) secretary Wei" and "- (?)" sponsored by given certain. In this paper, through comparative analysis, draw the following conclusions: first, the significance of the three big goals expressed in the semantic level of the same. In the application of target connection ending in "- (?) (?)" and "- ((?) (?)" is representative, and higher frequency of emergence in the vernacular; and "(?)" expression of target intention means absolute weak, used in in reality, the frequency is relatively low, and now spoken among yong. Second, the target relation between the suffix "- (?) (?)", "(?)", "(?)" in the three syntactic features, with different characteristics in the unity of the subject predicate constraints, constraints, time constraints, and discusses the restriction of final sentence restriction deny method four, by the number and level of is not the same, such as comparative analysis between them to create the conditions. Third, through the process of semantic, syntax and correspondence in the Chinese language can be seen, "- (?)", whether in semantic, syntactic and so on in the Chinese counterpart have a lot of points, in the majority of cases can be stopped, and the two are not easily and "- (?)", by the syntactic constraints more, so the differences of the three are more prominent.


摘要   7-8   Abstract   8   正文   10-65   参考文献   65-68  
