
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Food is human survival and development of the material basic, along with economic growth, capital goods increasingly rich, people in the diet needs ceaseless progress, increasingly pay attention to the food nutrient health and safety and hygiene. Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid economic growth makes the market supply-demand relationship has changed, in the benefits of making sinful part of forcing people to rebel the food safety problems frequently produce. Shuozhou fake case, poisonous milk powder matters, matters of waste oil, poison capsule matters of food safety problems of the continuously emerging, leading to large national mass on the status of China's food safety felt dissatisfied with, on food safety performance of vision feels worried about. This paper is through the discussion on the Korean food safety criminal law protection system and lack of and on this basis further reflection and discuss our country food safety criminal law cover related problems, perfect criminal law of our country food safety cover proposed some feasibility of views and opinions. This paper consists of three parts, first department to focus on the analysis of China's food history and current situation of criminal law protection of peace. And through the process of some detailed case to prove the present stage Chinese food safety problems of strict, progress of food peace criminal law protection needs of familiar. Study South Korea food safety criminal law cover the history and growth process, not difficult to find korean food safety protection system of criminal law also is not easy, but year after year ceaseless development and perfect. The second part of my food safety criminal law cover the legislative process to stop systematic interpretation, and to China, South Korea's food safety law cover coherent the crime of the crime to stop parsing, analysis of interpretation of the amendment of criminal law bill for amendment (eight) "in the birth, the sale does not conform to the food safety standards of food crime; food supervision and administration of the crime of dereliction of duty; production, selling poisonous and harmful food crime. His translation and reorganization of the Korean food safety criminal law protection department laws and regulations, through the process analysis study South Korea judicial materials with our current judicial stop transverse comparison. On this basis of food of our country peace cover of criminal law legislation put forward their own ideas. In the first part, through on our country food safe legislative materials of rectification and research, analysis of China's food peace in criminal law protection of some achievements.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   7-8   一、 中韩食品安全刑法保护概述   8-12       (一) 中国食品安全刑法保护概要   8-11       (二) 韩国食品安全刑法保护概况   11-12   二、 中韩食品安全刑法保护立法规定论析   12-23       (一) 中国食品安全刑法保护相关罪名略论   12-20       (二) 韩国食品安全刑法保护相关规定解析   20-23   三、 我国食品安全刑法保护存在的问题略论及完善建议   23-27       (一) 我国食品安全刑法保护存在的主要问题及完善建议   23-25       (二) 我国食品安全犯罪刑罚设置存在的突出问题及完善建议   25-27   结语   27-28   参考文献   28-30   后记   30  
