养老,曾经成为一个急切须要处理的严重社会成绩。作为一个具有一亿以上老年生齿的成长中国度,中国面对的养老成绩加倍繁重,加倍庞杂,加倍紧急。社会养老保证轨制尚不健全,免费韩语论文,传统养老措施曾经不胜重负,中国急需摸索新机制以处理养老成绩。住房倒按揭存款轨制是将来中国养老轨制的新偏向。住房倒按揭存款是到达必定年纪的老年人将本身具有完整产权的衡宇典质给银行等金融机构,同时保存衡宇栖身权,银行等金融机构依照商定措施付出必定额度给老年人,在老年人逝世亡或许永远性搬离时获得衡宇一切权的一种金融商品。实行住房倒按揭存款轨制对于加重后代养老累赘,改良老年人暮年生涯;营建优越家庭气氛,构建协调社会;立异金融产物,带动金融市场成长;公道设置装备摆设资本,增进效益最年夜化;激活房地产市场,增进二手房市场安康成长;加重国度财务累赘,增进公民经济成长;完美司法系统,构建法治社会等都具有严重的社会心义和实际意义。韩国住房倒按揭存款已慢慢完美,文明传统又与中国相似,经济成长程度比拟日本,韩语论文,与中国的处境更加接近。是以,本文就以韩国住房倒按揭产物一室庐年金为底本,商量中国住房倒按揭存款司法机制的构建。这也是本文最年夜的立异的地方。本文重要分为三部门。第一部门剖析了住房倒按揭存款轨制的根本实际,论述了住房倒按揭存款的配景、概念、感化、司法特点和法理基本、我国存在的特别司法成绩等,从微观上懂得住房倒按揭存款轨制。本文第二部门旨在研究韩国住房倒按揭存款一室庐年金的根本司法组成、法理基本和今朝成长状态,剖析韩国室庐年金胜利的经历,为中国住房倒按揭存款的研究供给基本。本文第三部门,从我国的详细国情动身,年夜胆研究住房倒按揭存款的详细司法轨制构建,为中国住房倒按揭存款轨制的成长供给本身的思绪与设法主意。 Abstract: Old age, has become an urgent need to deal with the serious social problems. As a more than 100 million elderly population developing country, China faces the problem of providing for the aged double heavy, double complex double emergency. Social pension guarantee system is not perfect, the traditional pension method has been overwhelmed, China urgently need to explore new mechanisms to deal with the problem of pension. The housing reverse mortgage system is a new direction of China's pension system in the future. Housing reverse mortgage loan is reaches a certain age of the elderly will have full ownership of the home equity to banks and other financial institutions, while preserving Heng Yu lived in, banks and other financial institutions in accordance with the agreed methods pay certain amount to the elderly, in the elderly people have died or Xu forever of move away from get Yu Heng all rights of a financial product. Implementation of housing reverse mortgage loan rail system aggravate the pension burden future generations on, improved the old age career; construction superior family atmosphere construct social coordination; innovation of financial products, driven by growth in financial markets; reasonable setting equipment, furnishings capital, enhance efficiency maximization; activation of the real estate market, promote the second-hand housing market's healthy growth; aggravated the national financial burden, promoting the citizen economic growth; perfect judicial system construct a society under the rule of law etc. have serious social significance and practical significance. South Korean housing mortgage deposits have been slowly perfect, and civilization is similar to the traditional Chinese economy, the degree of economic growth compared to Japan, and China's situation is even closer. Is to. In this paper, to South Korea housing inverted mortgage product one room cottage annuity to dibon, discuss China's housing down mortgage judicial mechanism construction. This is the most innovative place. This article is divided into three parts. Department the first analysis of the housing reverse mortgage system of basic theory, discusses the housing reverse mortgage loan background, concept, action, judicial and legal basic, our country has special judicial performance, from micro know the housing reverse mortgage system. The second part of this article aims to study South Korea housing down mortgage one room cottage annuity fundamental judicial composition, legal basic and the current growth state, the analysis of the experience of South Korea chamber Lu annuity victory, for China's housing down mortgage research provided basic. The third department, set out from China's specific national conditions, bile Nianye discussions housing down mortgage deposits with judicial system construction, China's housing inverted mortgage rail of the growth of supply of thoughts and ideas. 目录: |