
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In ordinary life, we can not often ask others, but also often in the status of being asked. How to ask, how to decline the request of the other party is that we can not escape the two night issues. Although the requirements and decline is essentially inconsistent, but from the perspective of linguistics but also has many coherence: two belong to "intimidate decent action"; speech act as "declined to respond" always emerge another speech act in includes requirements, requirements and make both sides; speech act in order to realize their decline the goal will be to their response strategy and adjust response expression of wrist, in order to the greatest degree of nervous conflict, conflict with different cuts; and on both sides of the level of interaction, dialogue and open dialogue structure requirements must move to differences. In this study, 8 universities in Korean professional students as the research object, through questionnaire survey and experimental test case and affirmed the pace, through the process of "role playing" a total of 4 hours and 46 minutes, 10 seconds from the dialogue, dialogue and strategic application of micro structure and micro the expression of the wrist after stop separation analysis and transfer, pragmatic errors and other aspects of the qualitative and quantitative combination. The results as follows: first, learners "required a decline of B structure in open dialogue" only focus mainly on dialogue, ready to move and follow-up move dialogue dialogue application is not much, and the focus of the dialogue in less then second, although the number of mobile dialogue; learners used in "a decline" dialogue the strategy of the wrist and speak varieties, but in the application of frequency are highly concentrated scene, "one-sided" situation; third, from the impact of strategy and application of master identity spread on the wrist, learners "request a dialogue on" rejected "important requirements, both sides equal and close position" set, touch on other less background; fourth, learners in "a dialogue to emerge rejected" pragmatic errors, and the final sentence contains partial denial of expression Error; social pragmatic errors include words, sentences, verbs, subsidies and determine to deny vague expression error. This study first in the "dialogue analysis" of the actual basic general static speech act strategy and application of wrist and static continuous combined dialogue move, take "role playing" on learners "request a rejected" dialogue to stop studying and analyzing the pragmatic errors, so as to build the first Korean speaking the language teaching action plan, the actual supply and the empirical basis for similar research.

