酒作为人类社会文明的一种意味,人们常常以酒庆功、以酒结交、以酒助兴。可以说酒已深刻到生涯的各个范畴,韩语毕业论文,韩语毕业论文,与政治、经济、文明运动密弗成分,组成颜色斑斓的酒文明,折射出各自平易近族的性情。酒不只给人类带来了物资文明产业,也在列国的平易近族性情、平易近俗礼节上有主要的表现。所谓公民性是平易近族精力,详细表现平易近族心思和以心思组成的独有的平易近族性情。今朝,许多学者对中国、日本和韩国的酒文明停止了研究。然则,针对三个国度的酒文明比拟研究的书本和文章其实不多。而有关从酒文明剖析列国平易近族的公民性的研究加倍缺乏。正由于如斯,笔者以为对酒文明的比拟研究、并从酒文明剖析总结公民性是具有必定的价值。本篇论文以酒文明为研究对象,浅析了中国、日本和韩国的公民性。本文的组成起首从酒文明的汗青成长进程,喝酒办法和礼仪等方面停止了解释。其次,详细剖析比拟了酒文明的差异点。尽人皆知,中国、日本和韩都城是世界上有名的酒国,并且均属于东亚国度,酒文明在许多方面具有类似的地方。又跟着汗青成长,出现了三个国度分歧的酒文明。最初,经由过程酒文明的比拟,论述了酒文明所反应的分歧的公民性。笔者经由过程剖析比拟已汇集到的有关酒文明的材料和文章,总结了酒文明和酒文明所反应的公民性的差异点。经由过程本论文,丰硕了酒文明的研究内容,而且从社会和文明的角度剖析酒文明具有必定的开辟价值。研究酒文明、并积极地睁开国度之间的酒文明交换对于继续平易近族性情中积极的一面和平易近间文明的交换有增进感化。 Abstract: Wine as a means of human civilization, people often to make wine, wine celebration, with the wine drinking. It can be said that the wine has been deep into all areas of life, and political, economic, cultural activities close, gorgeous color of wine culture, reflects the respective plain near family disposition. Wine not only brought to mankind the material and cultural industries, but also in the countries of the national temperament, customs etiquette has the main performance. The so-called citizenship is the national spirit, the detailed performance of the National People's minds and thoughts to form a unique national temperament. At present, many scholars of China, Japan and South Korea's wine culture to stop the study. But, for the three countries of the wine culture analogy of books and articles are not much. And the analysis of the civil nature of the nations from the wine culture is more lack of research. Because of this, I think wine culture comparison research, and from the wine culture analysis of civil summary is has a certain value. This paper takes the wine culture as the object of study, and analyzes the characteristics of Chinese, Japanese and South Korean citizenship. The composition of this article first from the history of wine culture, the process of growth, drinking methods and etiquette, and so on to stop the explanation. Secondly, a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences of the similarities and differences of the wine culture. Well-known, the capital of China, Japan and South Korea is the world famous wine country, and belong to the East Asian countries, the wine culture in many ways have similar place. And with the history of growth, there have been differences between the three countries of the wine culture. At first, through the comparison of the wine culture, this paper discusses the differences of the civil nature of the. Through the analysis of the process, the author has collected the materials and articles about the wine culture, and summarizes the similarities and differences of the civil nature of the wine culture and wine culture. Through this paper, the research content of wine civilization, and from the perspective of social and cultural analysis of the wine culture has a certain value for development. To study the culture of wine, and to actively open the exchange of cultural and cultural exchanges between the States on the positive side of the continuing national temperament and the exchange of civilization between the people. 目录: 要旨 4-5 摘要 5 1 はじめに 8-9 2 酒の醸造の歴史 9-13 2.1 中国 9-10 2.2 日本 10-11 2.3 韓国 11-13 3 中国、日本と韓国の酒文化の比較 13-31 3.1 中国 13-16 3.1.1 代表的な飲酒措施 13-14 3.1.2 酒を勧める措施 14-15 3.1.3 酔っ払いに対する見方 15 3.1.4 民俗の中での酒文化 15-16 3.2 日本 16-20 3.2.1 代表的な飲酒措施 17 3.2.2 酒を勧める措施 17-18 3.2.3 酒の席での無礼講 18 3.2.4 日本の酒祭り 18-20 3.3 韓国 20-24 3.3.1 代表的な飲酒措施 20-21 3.3.2 酒を勧める措施 21-22 3.3.3 儒教精神に根ざした礼儀 22-23 3.3.4 民俗の中での酒文化 23-24 3.4 中国、日本と韓国の酒文化の共通点と相違点 24-28 3.5 異なる酒文化が生まれた背景 28-31 4 酒文化から見る中国、日本と韓国の国民性 31-38 4.1 中国の酒文化における国民性 31-33 4.2 日本の酒文化における国民性 33-34 4.3 韓国の酒文化における国民性 34-36 4.4 中国、日本と韓国の国民性の共通点と相違点 36-38 5 おわりに 38-40 注釈 40-44 参考文献 44-46 个人简介 46-47 导师简介 47-49 謝辞 49 |