
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The Second World War in the future, South Korea is a military rule of the country, is also a rotten serious anomalies in the country, on the way to explore the appropriate national conditions also experience the arduous exploration. From the last of officeholder industry to declare the sprout of the rail system to grope for the initial pose and promote, South Korea by an extreme decay country grow for a clean country, also is to pass several sessions of political guidance and national indefatigable effort. In South Korea officeholder industry to declare the rail of the growth process in, that is, from national social advancement, political leaders lead the power of epigrams, financial real name system support; also from the vested interest group to obstruct, right to the political struggle for power resistance element. The official industry to declare a prerequisite for system to victory in South Korea is the independence of the institutions of governance review. South Korea and Chinese belong to Asian countries, in view of Confucian Thoughts on identity match. And South Korea, a decaying source and Anticorruption measures and our national conditions with certain similar degree, and South Korea have similar historical and cultural background of China in the growth process of ancient also deeply affect the decay, so South Korea now stop the anti-corruption support to the Chinese side important significance. Through the Korean industrial declare rail system in background, growth process, specific methods, especially analysis of Korean industry to declare the rail system and the pros and cons of the experience, for China's officeholder industry declare rail system as soon as possible provides an important reference. Beneficial to the "Sunshine Act" in the big end.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   目录   5-8   第一章 绪论   8-15       1.1 选题的理论意义和实践意义   8-9           1.1.1 选题的理论意义   8           1.1.2 选题的实践意义   8-9       1.2 文献综述   9-12           1.2.1 国内探讨近况   9-11           1.2.2 国外探讨近况   11-12       1.3 探讨内容   12-13           1.3.1 主要内容   12-13           1.3.2 探讨重点和难点   13           1.3.3 探讨创新点   13       1.4 探讨思路和措施   13-15           1.4.1 探讨思路   13-14           1.4.2 探讨措施   14-15   第二章 韩国公务员财产申报制度涉及的理论基础   15-18       2.1 公职人员法学制度   15-16           2.1.1 公职的伦理性与公务员的清廉性   15           2.1.2 公职伦理法的制定以及修订的必要性   15-16       2.2 法治对公权力的监督和制约   16-17       2.3 马克思主义对于隐私权和知情权冲突的理论   17-18   第三章 韩国公务员财产申报制度略论   18-27       3.1 韩国公务员财产申报制度产生的背景及过程   18-20           3.1.1 萌芽和探究时期(1960-1979)   18-19           3.1.2 形成和推进时期(1980-1983)   19           3.1.3 发展和完善时期(1983-1993)   19-20           3.1.4 全面实施时期(1993-至今)   20       3.2 韩国公务员财产申报制度的动力略论   20-22           3.2.1 公民社会的推动   20-21           3.2.2 政治领袖率先垂范   21           3.2.3 金融实名制的支持   21-22       3.3 韩国公务员财产申报制度构建的阻力略论   22-24           3.3.1 既得利益者的阻挠   22           3.3.2 官僚政治中的权利之争   22-23           3.3.3 公众参与力度不够   23           3.3.4 配套设施不完善   23-24       3.4 韩国公务员财产申报制度的特点   24-26           3.4.1 法学对公务员财产申报制度的针对性与可操作性   24-25           3.4.2 审查管理机构的独立性是保证   25-26       3.5 韩国公务员财产申报制度的缺陷与不足   26-27           3.5.1 与伦理道德结合不够紧密   26           3.5.2 公务员财产申报执行力度不够   26-27   第四章 财产申报对韩国反腐败的效用与适用的制度环境   27-31       4.1 公务员财产申报对反腐败的效用   27-29           4.1.1 消除或抑制潜在腐败   27           4.1.2 对申报者的利益加以积极引导   27           4.1.3 对腐败起到早期预警影响   27-28           4.1.4 对腐败势力起到震慑影响   28           4.1.5 对政权合法性的作用   28-29       4.2 财产申报制度对韩国反腐败适用的制度环境   29-31           4.2.1 配套制度的完善   29           4.2.2 公务员观念的转变   29-31   第五章 韩国公务员财产申报制度对我国的启示   31-37       5.1 实现财产申报的法制化   31       5.2 扩大财产申报范围   31-33           5.2.1 扩大财产申报主体的范围   31-32           5.2.2 扩大财产申报内容的范围   32-33       5.3 严格执行财产申报公开准则   33-34           5.3.1 扩大财产申报公开的范围   33           5.3.2 有选择性的公开   33-34       5.4 加强民主建设,韩语论文题目,提供良好的环境   34           5.4.1 增强民众民主监督意识   34           5.4.2 增强公务员民主意识   34       5.5 公务员财产申报配套制度体系的完善   34-37           5.5.1 建立公务员财产申报奖惩体系   35           5.5.2 健全社会信用制度   35           5.5.3 实行公职人员金融实名制   35-37   结语   37-38   致谢   38-39   参考文献   39-44   附录:作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文   44  
