中国和朝鲜半岛海陆相通,沿海国民以渔业为主要生计。山东和辽宁沿海区域国民常常到朝鲜半岛境内海域渔猎,自古习认为常。然则到了近代,特别是在日本与韩国签署通渔章程,对两边渔业运动停止标准后,中国和朝鲜的渔业来往也遭到官方的存眷,两边开端站在各自国度的立场上对渔业运动停止标准并与对方停止交涉,“一波三折”的交涉进程为更详细的展示晚清中朝交际面孔供给了一个较好的切进口。渔业运动之所以发生胶葛,缘于两边未对各自的渔业规模、渔业运动规矩停止协商肯定,因此渔业胶葛集中表示在清当局和朝鲜、韩国当局对于通渔章程签署与否的交涉。1882一1894年,袁世凯掌管朝鲜事务,在这一成绩上,他自创了日本与朝鲜签署通渔章程的经验,谢绝签署,立场非常强硬;1899一1905年,中国和韩国树立对等交际关系,通渔章程的签署愈发需要,几任驻韩公使均主意敏捷签署;1906一1910年,驻韩总领事马廷亮依据韩国境内渔业抵触日趋严重的现实情形,主意敏捷签署,然则国际山东等地异常否决,主意搁议此事,以为如若与韩国当局签署通渔章程,必将激发中日渔业抵触,招致中国海权损失。中朝通渔章程历经十数年,韩语毕业论文,终未得以签署,其交涉进程正如清末中韩两国交际成长情势,由传统的宗藩关系走入近代的交际体系体例,步履维艰,既有宗藩关系根深蒂固的作用,更有西南亚地域庞杂的国际关系,特别是日本步步加深侵犯,都给两国正常的交际来往增加了重重妨碍。 Abstract: China sea and the Korean Peninsula is the national coastal fisheries as the main livelihood. Shandong and the coastal region of Liaoning to the national fishing waters within the territory of the Korean Peninsula often, since ancient times, common that. But in modern times, especially in Japan and South Korea signed a charter fishing through, on both sides of the movement to stop fishing standard, China and North Korea from fishery was also the official concern, both sides start standing in their respective country position stop criterion on fishery movement and stop over involved with each other, "the negotiation of striking one snag after another." for more detailed display and communication faces in the late Qing Dynasty provided a better cut imports. The reason why the fishing industry has occurred, due to the two sides did not on the scale of their own fishing, fishing movement rules to stop consultation, so the fish glue Ge concentrated expressed in the Qing authorities and North Korea, South Korean authorities on the signing of the charter or not. 1882 1894, Yuan Shikai in charge of North Korean affairs, in this performance, he invented in Japan and North Korea signed the Charter through fishing experience, refused to sign, a very tough position; 1899 1905, Chinese and South Korea set up peer relations, through the articles of association signed fishing increasingly need a few ministers in South Korea are agile idea sign 1906; 1910, consul general Ma Tingliang Han according to Korea fishery situation is becoming more and more serious conflict, but rejected the idea of agile sign, abnormal international Shandong, put on this idea, and thought that if the South Korean authorities signed through fishing charters, will stimulate Japan fishery conflict, sea power losses incurred Chinese. Through the "China DPRK fishing regulations" after a dozen years, never signed, the negotiation between China and South Korea in the late Qing Dynasty as the growth of communication situation, from the traditional Zongfan relationship into the communication system of the modern style, the impact of both the Zongfan said of an aged person, the relationship between the South West Region ingrained, more complicated international relations, especially Japan deepened step by step for violations, normal communication between the two countries to increase heavy obstruction. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4-5 第一章 引言 7-11 第二章 中朝通渔章程缘起 11-15 第一节 中朝渔民通渔情况 11-13 第二节 前车之鉴:日朝渔案 13-15 第三章 1882-1894 袁世凯时期的交涉 15-23 第一节 妥善处理中朝渔案 15-18 第二节 批驳日本野心,韩语论文,拒绝签订通渔章程 18-23 第四章 1899-1905 短暂的平等外交时期的交涉 23-26 第五章 1906-1910 中日关系框架下的中韩交涉 26-38 第一节 远洋渔业团勒捐事件 27-31 第二节 中韩通渔章程的最后结果 31-38 第六章 结论及建议 38-40 参考文献 40-42 后记 42 |