直拍防御型打法是亚洲的传统打法,在亚洲乒乓球成长史上屡建奇功,为世界乒乓球活动做出了伟大进献。但跟着现今乒坛横拍打法主流位置切实其实定,从事该打法的活动员愈来愈少。今朝,只要中、韩两国选手依然在保持着这类打法,并依然坚持着世界先辈程度。本文经由过程文献材料法、数据统计法、录相不雅察等办法,对两国直拍防御型打法的汗青成长过程、技巧特色、技战术作风等方面停止了综合的比拟和剖析。并对两国直拍防御型打法将来成长趋向停止了商量。剖析了以后我国直拍防御型打法所面对的窘境。研究成果注解中、韩两国直拍打法选手的优良成就证实了直拍打法其实不落伍,我们不该废弃这类打法。固然两国直拍防御型打法同属于一个类型的打法,韩语论文范文,但它们在成长措施、技巧特色、技战术作风等方面又都表示出了各自分歧的特色。今朝,中国直拍防御型打法整体上要优于韩国直拍防御型打法。赓续立异是中国直拍型打法抢先于韩国直拍防御型打法的一个症结身分。现在,我们应当把眼光放久远些,韩语论文题目,要做到安不忘危,自动去寻觅成绩,自动去立异,如许能力一直走活着界乒坛成长潮水的前列。中国直拍防御型打法的优势在于技战术多样、细腻和灵巧多变。韩国直拍防御型打法优势在于选手在步法、副手技巧等方面,而反手软弱还是韩国直拍防御型打法重要成绩,一旦将直拍不和技巧无机的融入其打法中去,必定会焕收回新的活气。中国直拍打法如今面对的重要窘境就是后备人才网job。vhao。net缺乏的成绩,呼吁有关部分加以看重,加年夜搀扶力度。 Abstract: Penhold play defense is a traditional style of Asia, the growth history of Asian Table Tennis repeatedly performs outstandingly, for the world table tennis has made great contribution. But with the current mainstream play table tennis grip position actually, in the play of the athletes is less and less. At present, as long as Chinese and Korean players still maintain this type of play, and still adhere to the level of the world's predecessors. In this paper, through the process law of documents and materials, data statistics, video observations and measures, the history of two countries penhold play defense growth process, technical features, technical and tactical style stop the comprehensive comparison and analysis. The two countries and the defense style penhold future growth trends in the discussion. Analysis of the China's defense style penhold facing the dilemma. Research notes, Korean penhold players excellent achievement confirmed the penhold style actually is not out of date, we shouldn't waste this kind of play. Although both penhold play defense belong to a type of play, but they in terms of growth methods, technical features, technical and tactical style and expressed different characteristics. At present, the defensive play Chinese penhold is superior to Korean penhold defensive play. The ceaseless innovation is a crux of identity Chinese style penhold grab defensive play straight ahead of South korea. Right now, we should look to put some long, to do free from danger, automatic search results, automatic to innovation, such ability has been alive world table tennis development tide in the forefront. Defensive play China penhold advantage lies in the technical and tactical diversity, delicate and agility. South Korean penhold play defense advantage is that players in step, the Deputy skill, and backhand or weak Korean penhold defensive play an important achievement, once the penhold discord skills inorganic into the play to will certainly coruscate gives new vitality. An important dilemma now facing the China technique and tactics is talent network job. Vhao. Net lack of achievement, calling for the parts to be valued, increase support. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 1 前言 6-10 1.1 问题的提出 6-7 1.2 文献综述 7-10 2 探讨对象与探讨措施 10-12 2.1 探讨对象 10 2.2 探讨措施 10-12 3 探讨结果与略论 12-39 3.1 直拍打法的历史回顾 12-15 3.2 我国直拍进攻型打法经历的四个发展时期 15-19 3.3 韩国直拍进攻型打法的历史回顾 19-20 3.4 两国直拍进攻型打法的成绩回顾 20-22 3.5 两国直拍进攻型打法的传承与发展的特点 22-25 3.5.1 我国直拍进攻型打法传承和发展的特点 22-24 3.5.2 韩国直拍进攻型打法的传承与发展的特点 24-25 3.6 两国直拍进攻型打法的技、战术比较略论 25-35 3.6.1 两国直拍进攻型打法球拍及握拍措施的比较略论 25-26 3.6.2 两国直拍进攻型打法步法的比较 26-27 3.6.3 两国直拍进攻型打法反手位技术的比较略论 27-29 3.6.4 两国直拍进攻型打法发球抢攻段的比较略论 29-31 3.6.5 两国直拍进攻型打法接发球抢攻段的比较略论 31-33 3.6.6 两国直拍进攻型打法相持段的比较 33-35 3.7 对两国直拍进攻型打法未来的思考 35-39 3.7.1 对我国直拍进攻型打法未来的思考 35-38 3.7.2 对韩国直拍进攻型打法的展望 38-39 4 结论 39-40 5 主要参考文献 40-42 6 攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文 42-43 7 致谢 43-44 详细摘要 44-45 |