社会转型实际是社会学家描写、断定息争释社会成长、变迁的古代化经典实际。在全部东亚地域,二战后中国和韩国的社会转型无疑是比拟胜利的案例,客不雅地熟悉中韩两国社会转型,并对二战后中韩两国社会转型停止比拟剖析,对我国社会转型的持续深化、经济社会的调和成长无疑具有主要意义。战后中国和韩国分离处于南北极格式中的苏、美阵营,中国的社会转型开端于上世纪七十年月末八十年月初,韩国的社会转型较中国早十几年,开端于六十年月初。从经济角度看,中韩两都城面对着束缚和成长临盆力的紧急义务,前后选择了市场经济的成长途径。从政治方面看,不管是韩国停止的渐进式平易近主政治改造,照样中国特点社会主义政治扶植,其动身点和落脚点都是为了清除妨害社会成长的“绊脚石”为经济成长保驾护航。中韩两国固然同属转型与成长中国度,但成长理念、权利构造、内部身分等方面的张力,使得两国转型既有类似、又不乏相异的地方。尽人皆知,中国选择了渐进改造的措施。整体来看,韩国的社会转型也是渐进式的。中国渐进式经济转型的胜利依附的是本身的首创性摸索,经由尽力中国获得了渐进式改造的正向绩效。韩国作为后成长国度,其社会转型的胜利,被学术界誉为“韩国形式”。笔者愚认为:在经济转型方面,两国的市场经济存在个性和接洽,但归根结柢二者是分歧性质的市场经济,在实质上差别明显;在政治转型方面。韩国的政治平易近主化过程虽有掉败、波折、发展,但其成长趋向弗成逆转,韩国将经由过程渐进式的政治体系体例改造持续推动政治平易近主化。而持续推动中国特点社会主义平易近主政治扶植,势必是中国社会转型过程的必定趋向。 Abstract: The social transformation is the actual description, breaking fixed explained sociologist social development, change of ancient classical theory. In all the East Asian region, after World War II, the social transformation in China and South Korea is undoubtedly the comparable to the victory of the case, customer indecent familiarity with China and South Korea society transformation and after World War II ROK society transformation of a comparative analysis, of social transformation in China continued to deepen, social and economic coordinate development undoubtedly has important significance. After separation from China and South Korea in polar format in the Soviet Union, the United States camp and the start of social transition in China in the last century the late 1970s early 1980s, South Korea's social transformation is China's first ten years, beginning in the early 1960s. From the economic point of view, China and South Korea both surface facing the bound and the growth of productive forces emergency duty, before and after the growth path of the market economy. From the political aspects, whether it is a progressive type of democratic political reform in South Korea to stop, still the Chinese characteristic socialist political construction, the starting point and the foothold are to remove prejudice and social growth "stumbling block" for economic development escort. Although China and South Korea belong to the transformation and growth of China, but the growth concept, the right structure, internal factors such as tension, making the two countries have similar transformation, there is no lack of different places. Known to all, Chinese chose gradual transformation method. Overall, South Korea's social transformation is progressive. The victory of China's gradual economic transition depends on its own initiative to explore, through the efforts of China to obtain the progressive transformation of the positive performance. South Korea as a country after growing up, the success of its social transformation, the academic community as the Korean form". The fool thinks in terms of economic restructuring, the market economy of China and South Korea are personality and approached, but in the final analysis is the different nature of the market economy, in essence, significant difference; in the political transition. South Korea's political democratization process, although there are failures, twists and turns, development, but its growth tends to be put into reverse, South Korea will continue to promote political democracy through the gradual reform of the political system. While continuing to promote China's characteristics of the socialist democratic political support, it is bound to be the inevitable trend of China's social transformation process. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 目录 9-10 第一章 绪论 10-14 1.1 社会转型概述 10-12 1.1.1 社会转型理论 10-11 1.1.2 社会转型的探讨近况 11-12 1.2 探讨的措施和意义 12-13 1.2.1 探讨措施 12 1.2.2 探讨意义 12-13 1.3 本论文主要的新视角 13-14 第二章 中国社会转型基本历史背景 14-23 2.1 中国社会转型前的国际环境 14 2.2 中国社会转型前国内基本情况 14-16 2.3 中国社会转型至今国际环境变化 16-17 2.4 中国社会转型至今国内基本情况变化 17-23 第三章 韩国社会转型基本历史背景 23-31 3.1 韩国社会转型前的国际环境 23 3.2 韩国社会转型前国内基本情况 23-24 3.3 韩国社会转型至今国际环境变化 24-25 3.4 韩国社会转型至今国内基本情况变化 25-31 第四章 战后中韩社会转型比较略论 31-35 4.1 战后中韩社会转型基本取向比较略论 31-32 4.2 战后中韩社会转型路径选择比较略论 32-33 4.3 战后中韩社会转型特点比较略论 33-35 第五章 战后中韩社会转型趋势展望 35-38 5.1 中韩两国市场经济共性与异同并存 35-36 5.2 韩国将继续推进政治民主化 36 5.3 中国将继续推进中国特色社会主义民主政治建设 36-38 结论 38-39 参考文献 39-44 致谢 44 |