破产是市场经济下,自在竞争所带来的弗成防止的一种经济景象。一个国度的破产司法轨制的完美与否,直接代表着本国市场经济成长水平的成熟与否。破产司法轨制是经济主体在进入市场、经济行动停滞后顺畅加入的“平安阀门”;为相干破产好处主体供给司法掩护以免某些主体经由过程伤害其他主体好处完成本身的不合法好处,韩语毕业论文,保护正常的破产次序,在市场经济中起着症结感化。而有用的破产法式则是破产法可以或许施展功效的基本。经济危机与金融危机并存确当当代界,有序和有用的破产法式的稳固实用有益于增进增加和竞争,有助于防备和化解金融危机,也可引诱债权人对义务承当更高的谨严责任,韩语论文题目,并促使债务人对于扩展信贷与重组债务有更年夜的信念。中韩两国地区相邻,文明蕴涵积厚流光,经贸交换频仍。改造开放后中国国际情况的明显改良,激烈吸引着海内投资的眼力。是以,中国事韩国公司进出海内时最优先斟酌的国度,从2002年开端,中国成了韩国海内最年夜投资国。跟着中国经济政策转变,加上金融危机的作用,很多中小韩国公司面对运营危机,有些不能不加入中国市场。懂得掌握中韩两国破产法的内容与差别,可以免时光、经济本钱等方面的糟蹋。2006年,中韩两国的破产法都停止了较年夜修正。基于此,本文在胪陈中韩两国破产司法轨制的基本上,经由过程对中韩两国破产轨制特别是破产法式分阶段、分条理停止比拟,愿望可认为韩国公司投资或撤出中国市场时,更多懂得并运用中韩两国的破产司法轨制使其防止不用要的凌乱供给无益参考。鉴于中韩两国破产司法轨制比拟研究的材料较少,笔者拟经由过程引见韩国破产司法轨制中的界说、破产法式等重要内容,为中韩两国的学术交换与沟通供给一些根本信息。本文以为,破产法应容身于本国的国情。经由过程比拟可知,中韩两国破产司法轨制之间存在必定的差别,这是完整正常的。虽然此种差别因国度轨制、经济构造等差别而产生,但这不会妨害彼此自创轨制的公道的地方。反之,扬长避短能够是贯彻外乡化准绳的一个必弗成少的进程。 Abstract: Bankruptcy is a kind of economic phenomenon in the market economy. The perfection of the judicial system of a country's bankruptcy directly represents the maturity of the growth of the market economy of our country. Bankruptcy legal system is the "safety valve" of the economic main body in the market and economic action. It provides the legal protection for the benefit of the relevant bankruptcy. And the usefulness of the bankruptcy law is the bankruptcy law can display the basic effect of the. The economic crisis and the financial crisis is the coexistence of the world, orderly and useful bankruptcy French practical benefits to improving and increasing competition, to help prevent and resolve the financial crisis, can induce higher responsibility to creditors and responsibility, and promote the expansion of the debtor credit and debt restructuring have greater faith. China and South Korea area adjacent to civilization implication has a long history, frequent economic and trade exchange. The international situation Chinese significantly improved after the reform and opening-up, attracting intense domestic investment eyesight. Is the most preferred thing, China Korea enterprises import and domestic the country, from the beginning of 2002, China became South Korea's biggest investor in china. Along with China's economic policy changes, coupled with the impact of the financial crisis, many small and medium enterprises in the face of the operation of small and medium enterprises, some can not join the Chinese market. Know how to master the contents and differences of the bankruptcy law between China and South Korea, can avoid the waste of time, economic cost, etc.. 2006, China and South Korea's bankruptcy law has stopped a major revision. Based on this, this article in detail the bankruptcy legal system of China and South Korea basically, through the process of Sino Korean bankruptcy system especially the bankruptcy of French stages, organized to carry on the comparison, wish that South Korea enterprise investment Chinese or withdraw from the market, making more understand and application of bankruptcy judicial system between China and South Korea to prevent unnecessary the messy supply of useless reference. In view of China and South Korea two countries bankruptcy less material legal system comparative study, the author intends to introduce South Korea through the process of bankruptcy legal system of bankruptcy procedures definition, important content for academic exchange and communication between China and South Korea to provide some basic information. This paper thinks that bankruptcy law should based on the national conditions. Through the process of comparison, there is a certain difference between China and South Korea, which is completely normal. Although this difference is due to the national system, economic structure and other differences, but it will not prejudice the local system of the right place. On the other hand, weaknesses can be an implement localization principle indispensable process. 目录: |