挪动通信和互联网是现今信息化社会成长速度最快、成长势头最微弱、成长潜力最年夜的两年夜范畴。如今,挪动互联网正无孔不上天慢慢作用人们的任务、进修和生涯,通信类营业、文娱营业、多媒体营业、互联网营业、挪动定位营业等多姿多彩的挪动互联网新应用,迎着信息化时期的春风,如雨后春笋普通出现在用户眼前。在新技巧新媒体敏捷成长的挪动互联时期,作为挪动互联网从业者,若何熟悉挪动互联网的偏向,处置家当链高低游得关系,挖掘客户的需求,联合挪动互联网的流传属性成长新应用等成绩曾经成为面临新情势时的主要课题。本文简述了挪动互联网的技巧成长汗青和流传道理,经由过程年夜量的数据比较,从技巧维度、贸易形式、市场维度和社会信息化配景等四个方面,剖析中韩两国挪动互联网成长的差异,韩语论文,总结挪动互联网成长的成败损益,并在应对战略上提出一些看法和建议,以期中国挪动互联网行业可以或许在自创韩国行业成长经历的进程中,挖掘出市场的特征,依据本身的情况特点,走出一条安康可连续的成长途径,而且可以或许在国际竞争中处置好竞争与协作关系,在全球市场博得必定的份额。 Abstract: Mobile communications and the Internet is the fastest growing speed of information society, the growth momentum of the weakest, most of the eve of the growth potential of two years. Today, mobile Internet is no hole is not heaven slowly affect people's job, study and life, colorful communications business, business entertainment, multimedia business, Internet business, mobile positioning business of mobile Internet use, facing the information age in the spring breeze, have mushroomed generally appear in front of the user. In new techniques new media rapid development of mobile interconnection times, as mobile Internet practitioners, how familiar with mobile Internet the bias, disposal of industrial chain level tour relationship, mining the customer demand, combined with mobile Internet spread attribute grew up in new application achievements had become the face of the new situation the main topic. This paper describes the techniques of mobile Internet development history and spread the truth, is through a large amount of data, from the four aspects of skill dimension, trade forms, market dimensions and social informationization background, analyzes the similarities and differences between China and South Korea to move the growth of the Internet, mobile Internet development summed up the success or failure of profit and loss, and puts forward some opinions and suggestions in response to the strategy, in order to China mobile Internet industry in South Korea can own industry growing experience in the process of mining market, based on the characteristics of itself, out of a Ankang continuous growth path, and can handle the relationship of competition and cooperation in the international competition, must share in the win the global market. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 第一章 绪论 7-13 1.1 探讨背景及目的 7-10 1.2 基本定义和范围界定 10 1.3 探讨措施及内容 10-11 1.4 探讨意义及创新点 11-13 第二章 移动互联网的传播学理论基础 13-16 2.1 复杂网络基础理论 13-14 2.2 社会网络基础理论 14-16 第三章 移动互联网的技术发展与普及 16-26 3.1 移动通讯的发展简史 16-23 3.1.1 2G 时代 16-18 3.1.2 移动通讯3G 时代 18-21 3.1.3 展望4G 21-23 3.2 传统互联网向移动互联网的演进 23-26 3.2.1 移动互联网的优势 23-24 3.2.2 传统互联网的优势 24 3.2.3 移动互联网与传统互联网的并行关系 24-26 第四章 移动互联网发展的中韩国际比较 26-48 4.1 中韩移动互联网的技术维度比较 27-29 4.1.1 韩国的3G 技术 27-28 4.1.2 中国的3G 技术 28 4.1.3 中韩3G 技术比较 28-29 4.2 商业模式 29-36 4.2.1 产业链结构 29-30 4.2.2 主要业务 30-34 4.2.3 收费方式对比 34-35 4.2.4 盈利模式 35-36 4.3 中韩移动互联网的市场维度比较 36-44 4.3.1 移动互联网市场规模 36-39 4.3.2 网络运营商竞争态势 39-40 4.3.3 移动互联网用户背景和使用习惯 40-44 4.4 中韩移动互联网的社会信息化背景比较 44-48 4.4.1 手机终端状态 44-45 4.4.2 手机话费 45-46 4.4.3 网络普及率 46-48 第五章 中国移动互联网行业的发展策略与前景展望 48-54 5.1 中国移动互联网行业的发展策略 48-51 5.1.1 政府的良性引导有利于行业的健康发展 48-49 5.1.2 运营商发挥移动互联网行业的主导力量 49-51 5.2 国际移动互联网的融合发展趋势 51-52 5.3 中国移动互联网前景展望 52-54 结语 54-55 参考文献 55-59 致谢 59 |